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Remove craftable tool prices.


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slightly too broad of a title.

The craftable versions of some tools no longer exist, these being the ones inside the Gift-Suffed Stocking (Name Tag, Desc Tag, ToD, BP Expander and the Squad Surplus, although not in the stocking.)

All of the craftable versions turned uncraftable, expect the ones from inside the stocking, which are untradable.

The craftable price on the site serves no purpose expect repwhoring and it might be better to just remove them.

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thats not completely true, the craftable ones, for the most part, are less common now, but still are out there. Craftable name tags still exist, and in fact I have traded for quite a few, and have 5, craftable name tags. so until they completely stop existing, the craftable prices should remain. 

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thats not completely true, the craftable ones, for the most part, are less common now, but still are out there. Craftable name tags still exist, and in fact I have traded for quite a few, and have 5, craftable name tags. so until they completely stop existing, the craftable prices should remain. 

in the case of the name tag/desc tag is seems there are indeed some craftable ones left.

With the ToD, Expanders and Squad Surplus though, all existing ones turned uncraftable and one's bought from the store as well, with only untradable craftable items left, the price for these can be removed.

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I asked brad once to delete the price for craftable tickets, he just said something that he will complain to valve for making them uncraftable which is stupid and do nothing in the meantime. :P

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I asked brad once to delete the price for craftable tickets, he just said something that he will complain to valve for making them uncraftable which is stupid and do nothing in the meantime. :P

But doesn't he always ignore you because you're Woifi?

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