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Hilary Clinton's choice of twitter profile photo

frank mcdank

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I wouldn't have picked that it was the twin towers without reading your post so I think she'll be fine. It only resembles that if you want it to.

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The 'H' makes me think of that big capital letter that stands for Hospital,

meaning with the arrow that she is going forward to the hospital, because of health problems or alzheimer or whatever.

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My personal thought was that she has the H for Hillary, and the right side arrow showed her relation to politics.


Google helps again!:

"Right-wing parties include conservatives, Christian democrats, classical liberals, nationalists"

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For those saying Bill ruined her chance, Bill is still wildly popular. There was a poll taken a few years ago about if people would replace Obama with Clinton if they could, it was dramatically in favor of yes.


Anyway I hope she loses and Bush or Rubio take the win #Rightsideisright

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Anyway I hope she loses and Bush or Rubio take the win #Rightsideisright

Do you seriously want another Bush in the White House after the mess the previous one left? It would be like the UK re-electing Tony Blair.

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Do you seriously want another Bush in the White House after the mess the previous one left? It would be like the UK re-electing Tony Blair.

Jeb is one of the most popular governors in Florida ever. He did a fantastic job. It should have been him running in 2000, not George

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For those saying Bill ruined her chance, Bill is still wildly popular. There was a poll taken a few years ago about if people would replace Obama with Clinton if they could, it was dramatically in favor of yes.


Anyway I hope she loses and Bush or Rubio take the win #Rightsideisright

Eh, both have some serious issues to contend with, mainly financial support, which they're relatively moderate ideologies don't gain a lot of. Not to mention Jeb also has to try to distance himself from the Bush name, given its recent unpopularity (Although if I'm not mistaken Senior didn't do half-bad.)

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H.W was fairly popular and with W out of power for 8 years, people are starting to look back and forgive. I think he has a shot

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This? This is what she's going to lose for? Because of a fucking H? Because her first name starts with a letter? I don't see the problem.

"I'm immature and it looks like this so therefore she shouldn't be president" lol what even.

I really didn't give a fuck if she wanted to have a personal and work email on two devices, illegal or not

What? Did she sign up for porn? Was she conspiring against the states? No? Okay, fuck off with "scandal" then

Don't get me started with the fucking big deal everyone made about her going to a fucking Chipotle

Like it's just not socially acceptable to eat somewhere that serves delicious food when you're running for president

And really? Relating someones life partner to who they are? If someone is married to a rapist, how the fuck can you say they're a rapist too. (Just an example, I'm not saying Bill Clinton is a rapist)


The arguments people make for no fucking reason.


Reminds me of Heated Bread huehuehue


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My personal thought was that she has the H for Hillary, and the right side arrow showed her relation to politics.


Google helps again!:

"Right-wing parties include conservatives, Christian democrats, classical liberals, nationalists"

Nice theory until you realize the Clintons are left as fuck

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Anyway I hope she loses and Bush or Rubio take the win #Rightsideisright

The previous Bush's pasts still linger too much with Jeb, he's definitely top 5 right now in chance to win but I doubt that even most republicans want another Bush presidency. Rubio won't win because of his ethnicity more than anything else. The Republican party has accepted the crazies under their wing (who won't vote for Rubio), yet he still tries to appeal to them rather than to more party conservatives. The biggest issue is how many are running that the party is being split, Jeb Bush was most popular in the poll and he only had 23% of the Republican vote, disregarding the Democrats.


Nice theory until you realize the Clintons are left as fuck

That's the point, she wants to show inclusion of conservatives I guess

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I don't want a world where three year olds have to sign a contract agreeing they won't use transfobic language in school.


I'm betting a conservative potus would be more leery of that.

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Nice theory until you realize the Clintons are left as fuck

as left as fuck as you can be whilst overseeing massively questionable series of drone strikes on sovereign nations territory and generally not giving a fuck for any non-mainstream human rights movements (great, gay people with no other issues in their lives can marry, but why are homelessness, mental health issues, drug dependencies, et cetera still hugely disproportionately prevalent amongst LGBT people?)

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I don't want a world where three year olds have to sign a contract agreeing they won't use transfobic language in school.


I'm betting a conservative potus would be more leery of that.

what a weird dream-world you live in... you've made education about gender into 3 year olds being contractually obligated. don't say "3 year olds becoming contractually obligated" too loud or the Koch brothers will start lobbying to re-introduce child labour on zero hour contracts


She'll win, because she's a woman and because nutjob 3rd-wave Feminazis posing as feminists are gonna vote for her. 

think about the term "feminazi" and how insanely disrespectful that is to the millions who died because of the nazi party and its supporters


i get that "it's just the internet people say shit" "we're not as bad as 4chan" "it doesn't matter LOL" but for once please try for half a second to engage with anything in a remotely adult manner...

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think about the term "feminazi" and how insanely disrespectful that is to the millions who died because of the nazi party and its supporters


i get that "it's just the internet people say shit" "we're not as bad as 4chan" "it doesn't matter LOL" but for once please try for half a second to engage with anything in a remotely adult manner...






Yep, you're right. No relation whatsoever. My bad. 

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That is literally one person.

Not saying it's not valid, but it's one person in a sea of millions.


As for the initial topic, not really seeing what you're seeing, but kind of a bland logo nontheless.

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My mom told me she's looking for republican candidates as opposed to Hilary, and my mom is left all the way


She said "Hilary's acting like a complete douche. She supports GMO and (other stuff I forgot have to ask her)"

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1 person burns a book = it's cool to compare feminism to nazism. incredibly. the logic and reasoning MRAs pride themselves on really burning bright here, to pardon the pun.


i ripped up an electoral leaflet the other day and showed my friends. it was a little self-congratulatory clique-y thing like hey, we all hate the tories, haha. it doesn't mean that i'm an evil censor who wants to deny them a political platform. the difference between systematically burning any and all books which might oppose your ideology and symbolically burning a book to express contempt for it is massive and it's actually kind of insane to compare them.


trying to get "feminist rhetoric" such as "girls and boys should have the same opportunities and not be told what to do based on their gender" taught in schools is actually also quite different to rewriting the history that you teach to children such that an invented race of people are said to be biologically superior and rightful masters of all other races. it's actually kind of insane to compare those two things as well, it turns out.


i highly doubt anyone who has actually read feminist criticism and work would say that feminism blames its problems on a bogeyman patriarchy. it's almost always a lot more explicitly targeted to social constructions of gender and different expectations and highlighting inequity. identifying and critiquing ways in which society treats women but also gender as an idea more generally is also quite different to blaming all of your ills on a particular race, basing your politics in an extremely long tradition of european anti-semitism and ultimately rounding up and killing those you deem inferior. again; it's a mark of complete ignorance to compare the two.


saying "feminists believe xyz" is difficult in the same way as saying "christians all believe xyz" because there's an extremely diverse and fragmented group being addressed as a whole hivemind unit which is nothing like reality at all. i have not seen a discussion of censorship related to feminism unless it was discussing the ways in which womens bodies are censored compared to male bodies, which is a form of censorship most feminists would probably say is unnecessary and comes from an over-sexualisation of female bodies, and so they would oppose it.


did the nazi's "claim that aryans were oppressed"? i guess perhaps by the strictures of reparations after Versailles, but anyway, a genuine historical comparison is clearly not being made here, i just like illustrating just how ridiculous your position is. it's the "hitler was a vegetarian" fallacy this time. nobody can claim oppression any more because the nazi's did it so it makes you a bad person if you claim to be oppressed.

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The design is so simple. 

I'm wondering if a five-year-old was paid to create it.


If I got paid 100k to make that simple logo, I would be like "okay.jpg. thanks for paying college tuition."



My mom told me she's looking for republican candidates as opposed to Hilary, and my mom is left all the way


She said "Hilary's acting like a complete douche. She supports GMO and (other stuff I forgot have to ask her)"

Well, tell your mum that Bernie is running now. I don't know why in the hell your mum is running to the right-wing paid spokesmen.

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i highly doubt anyone who has actually read feminist criticism and work would say that feminism blames its problems on a bogeyman patriarchy. it's almost always a lot more explicitly targeted to social constructions of gender and different expectations and highlighting inequity. identifying and critiquing ways in which society treats women but also gender as an idea more generally is also quite different to blaming all of your ills on a particular race, basing your politics in an extremely long tradition of european anti-semitism and ultimately rounding up and killing those you deem inferior. again; it's a mark of complete ignorance to compare the two.

"fuck all cis white straight men"

#KillAllMen #Feminism #YesAllMen


When TheTruth said

>nutjob 3rd-wave Feminazis posing as feminists are gonna vote for her.

He's correct. There are crazy people who believe that men are inferior, blame the "goddamn patriarchy" for everything, and will vote for her. He never said that all feminists are crazy, feminazis, or that feminism is wrong. You brought up fallacies...? Nice strawman fallacy you used to attack thetruth.


I'm not MRA or whatever. I'm not saying feminism has no base. There is the 3rd wave "tumblr*" feminism which is cancerous and gives actual feminism a bad name. Too bad the cancer spreads like wildfire. (*Generalization: not all tumblr feminism is bad, just the type that use tags such as #kill all men)



That is literally one person.

Hitler was literally one person. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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