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Do you believe in (Any) God?


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If you could also explain why you do/don't believe in god i'd appreciate it.


Personally i am used to be a muslim but i dont even know what to call myself anymore. Its like im in the middle of Muslim And atheism. I need some explanation. I am still doing my search but i'd like to take some thoughts from you guys too.

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Nope, because evolution makes more sense than a God. Religion was created as a source for answers, but in the 21st century we have science, and science will answer our questions. 
That's my opinion.

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There is already a religion thread, just FYI.




Created in his image is BS, no one in this world is created equal. 


Stillborn births for healthy parents, AIDS, cancer as a whole, "god's plan" reason, these are other reasons I do not believe in any god or higher being. We as a human species die on a time table as it is, there's no reason to speed it up. Not like if those things didn't exist we still wouldn't die eventually.


I believe that the human species is driven by morals and what defines us as individuals is how we choose in everyday situations. But there were religions that were created solely to profit from the weak, some were created to help those in need and some are there just to give people something to cling to when life is at its worst in hopes that things will get better.


Some people need it, I do not. 

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There probably is a "god" probably nothing like what religion tells us tho. Same with aliens, with the billions of galaxies out there there is bound to be some other type of life form but not that half deformed humanoid we think it looks like in a flyinf saucer :L

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Nope, because evolution makes more sense than a God. Religion was created as a source for answers, but in the 21st century we have science, and science will answer our questions. 

That's my opinion.


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Yes there is God, people believe in different things like how Jesus is like God or son of the God, some people believe in evolution and some believe that there is no religion. We must respect peoples opinions and not hate each other over this. If you are a good guy everyone will love you, if you are a bad guy no one will like, simple as that

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i could believe in a god if it ever presented itself to me with valid proof and not some dude writing about it 900 years after it supposedly happened.

but as of now, there are no proof thats enough for me to believe in one. and therefore i am an agnostic

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 presented itself to me with valid proof and not some dude writing about it 900 years after it supposedly happened.

So much this

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Why? Because I choose to.  I think to assume that everything that might possibly exist can be explained exclusively through science, and therefore if science cannot explain it or prove it then it must not exist, is short sighted and limited thinking.  

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I'm a scientific minded person. I study to become math and physics teacher.


There is a God in any of us, as long as you believe in It. It doesn't have a shape or form, it's just something you can hold on in moments of fear, when you need strength and in other situations. It's not something that "created the world in seven days". It's just a believe in something that can get you through tough moments. At least, that's how I think about it.


Yes, I do believe in such a God.


Don't we all have said at least once: "Oh, my God" or "Thank God"? 

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Yes, and I dream about becoming a priest in the swedish church, we are protestants.


Aand apparently not qualified to be even called christians as of american standards, anyone interested in reading a shitbull of bullshit and discrimination can read some shit here, I'll never go there again... -> http://forums.ccgaming.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14777&start=40

why care what americans think of a christian? you're a swede like me, and obviously we dont care what americans think. thats why we live here

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Nope, because evolution makes more sense than a God. Religion was created as a source for answers, but in the 21st century we have science, and science will answer our questions. 

That's my opinion.

Evolution doesn't explain the existence of life. Also, I like how you say "in the 21st century we have science" and then you say "That's my opinion." Science and opinions aren't really compatible.

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Evolution doesn't explain the existence of life. Also, I like how you say "in the 21st century we have science" and then you say "That's my opinion." Science and opinions aren't really compatible.


Another atheist argument that really bugs me: science. Now, I understand science, but when you ask some obnoxious atheist where life came from, what created/started the "Big Bang", the answer they typically give is "science". That's equally as unreasonable as giving me the reason "god" for that question. 


As far as the thread goes, I believe that there is a god. Evolution and the Big Bang Theory answer some questions, but I still wonder what started the Big Bang, what started that, where did it come from? Why does matter have the properties that it does? I believe that there is a god-- but I do not think humans will ever learn who, or what it is.

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I believe there is a God, and I can supply much evidence to support that claim and that He is the Christian God of the Bible. But I want to present a few simple proofs of God existing in the first place.

The expansion of the universe demands a Creator. Nothing can expand infinitely and an oscillating universe is also disregarded as there would need to be traceable residual energy from all of the big bangs, but there is not. Thus, since expansion is finite, there has to be a beginning, and therefore a cause. And this cause would need to be eternal (without cause) and intelligent (to create the intricate universe).

Further, the existence of DNA also points to a Creator. Information only comes from intelligent sources (never natural souorces) and DNA is essentially TONS of information contained within all living organisms.

Also, even though I do not like to really debate evolution, because it is not by itself contradictory to the existence of God, I have concerns about it because it contradicts entropy, the universal la, that matter breaks down (it becomes simpler not more complex) as time goes on.

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