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I worry about death.


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Thing is, maybe there IS another side. We just don't know it because there is no way of coming back so we are unaware. Those who are there, maybe they're still alive. Maybe they're having more fun than us. Who knows?

I'm not naïve enough to believe that.

After much consideration, the existence of somewhere you magically appear after you die sounds like something people would believe just so they don't have to think about the real thing.

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our minds visualize the reality of everything, and when we die it dies with us. thus creating a magical universe where everything is perfect. (pyro's mind maybe?) either that or its just nothingness that we cant see or feel (which is impossible but since there is no brain to "create" a reality then everything is possible which means its possible for something to be impossible at the same time....fml)

its just a quite realistic "dream" of some sort where when we die, we just wake up and repeat the process thus creating multiple universes where ur not dead and where ur dead but in that body where ur not ded...is that where we get "deja vu" from?
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Doesn't matter what you think or what anyone else thinks, really.


All human history will be wiped someday anyways. We're headed towards an inescapable oblivion. Death is something that's a con of being human, and it sucks, but it's just the way it is.


Feel better knowing that the entire world will be forgotten someday and that what people did never fucking mattered to what lies beyond Death.

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Doesn't matter what you think or what anyone else thinks, really.


All human history will be wiped someday anyways. We're headed towards an inescapable oblivion. Death is something that's a con of being human, and it sucks, but it's just the way it is.


Feel better knowing that the entire world will be forgotten someday and that what people did never fucking mattered to what lies beyond Death.

well considering that the universe is so vast proves that we are insignificant

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This is kind of out there, but hear me out.

A person is a brain controlling a body. Once the brain dies, the person ceases to exist. Everything they've ever done no longer matters to them. It might matter to the rest of the world, but that doesn't mean anything to a dead person.


I fear what it's like to experience death, because I know I'm not going to re-open my eyes and find myself elsewhere. But I also can't begin to understand what it's like to die. Circumstances have led to me thinking about this a lot, but the only valid methods to cheating death that I can imagine is physically preserving the brain, or uploading the contents digitally (which might still cause 'death,' unless the consciousness is copied over as well.)


What are your thoughts?

I was thinking about this last night funnily enough, My dad says if life was endless the point would be lost and that our mortality makes our lives beautiful


I guess just do what makes you happy whilst it lasts... kinda what all deez guys are sayin' aswell

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Thing is, maybe there IS another side. We just don't know it because there is no way of coming back so we are unaware. Those who are there, maybe they're still alive. Maybe they're having more fun than us. Who knows?


And maybe there's a dragon in my living room but it's just completely undetectable. :rolleyes:


I was thinking about this last night funnily enough, My dad says if life was endless the point would be lost and that our mortality makes our lives beautiful


Fuck that beauty bullshit!  If I had the chance to live as long as I wanted to (and in good health), I would take it.  Sure, eventually I would tire of it and want to die, but until then, MORE LIFE PLEASE.  Gimme all you got.

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You die if your parts are too weak or something right? Maybe we don't die all we need is a little "Replacement". If we got shot in the head, everything's bleeding out, your loosing blood.
We just need that brain fixed to its original state right and get back the same type of blood.Take Wolverine from the X-Men franchise, he lived for atleast a century because of one thing... His regeneration,if you watch the movies he got shot about a hundred times and manage to live due to his ability to regenerate fast.If all humans could regenerate the fast...Maybe just maybe we will live forever,but at a price of our population and crime's happening around the world,more pollution,Global Warming,and all other stuff.

Maybe death isn't so bad after all, we could escape a monstrosity by just by dying.

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You die if your parts are too weak or something right? Maybe we don't die all we need is a little "Replacement". If we got shot in the head, everything's bleeding out, your loosing blood.

We just need that brain fixed to its original state right and get back the same type of blood.Take Wolverine from the X-Men franchise, he lived for atleast a century because of one thing... His regeneration,if you watch the movies he got shot about a hundred times and manage to live due to his ability to regenerate fast.If all humans could regenerate the fast...Maybe just maybe we will live forever,but at a price of our population and crime's happening around the world,more pollution,Global Warming,and all other stuff.

Maybe death isn't so bad after all, we could escape a monstrosity by just by dying.

Being shot in the head means that you damage the tissue of the brain. Not going to say "beyond repair" because science is coming so far these days. But one day everyone has something essential that just stops working for (sometimes) no good reason. It's how it goes. 

I don't know how many people here actually drive, but when you get your license you have to decide whether or not to become an organ donor. Whenever you're in an accident and obtain serious brain damage, you have the choice whether or not doctors are able to save your undamaged organs to people who need them after you pass. Since you'll either live a vegetable or die sooner or later anyway. Personally, when I was asked whether or not I wanted to be an organ donor, it hit me like a pound of bricks. We talked about it in our Driver's Ed. course and saw videos on it and all, even then though, it seemed like "Eh, it'll never happen so who cares." 

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I'm not naïve enough to believe that.

After much consideration, the existence of somewhere you magically appear after you die sounds like something people would believe just so they don't have to think about the real thing.

I don't believe it either, I am just saying it is a possibility. There have been so many unexplained things in the world which still boggle scientists, who knows the paradox theory is true? And if it is, the world changes. String theory is proved? Everything changes.

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I think about death everyday, and as a sort-of-athiest, i dont think there is anything on the other side.

Honestly, sometimes I wish there was a god and the heavens and all that, just so i dont have to fear death, the thought of ceasing to exist is scary


For the people that dont experience the same fear, imagine having 4 limbs amputated, lost your eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Try imagine yourself in that position, the feeling of helplessness, i feel that way when I think of death


(le related music plug)

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Yeah the body dies, but energy doesn't and we all have energy around us


prehaps our soul will live on as a form of energy


A brain is what generates consciousness and is where memories are stored.  Without a working brain, energy is meaningless.  Sorry.  Energy is just one piece of the total equation.  You need some kind of organized physical brain to store information and generate your consciousness.


Think of it like a computer.  It needs a motherboard, cpu, a hard drive, ram, and energy to work.  If you take away the physical components and have just energy, you don't don't have a computer anymore.  You just have energy.  You can't have a computer with just energy.

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i used to be scared of death and after i faced the fact that im gonna die, i've enjoyed life much more

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What if the light at the end of the tunnel was in fact the end of the mother uterus and what if when you die your mind reset and you live another life elsewhere

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I've never really been afraid of death, although when I was young (I was raised in a very christian family) I was actually afraid of eternal life. I had an image in my head of what heaven would be like and the thought of being there forever without end genuinely scared the crap out of me. Because on Earth if you don't like something, you can go somewhere else or do something else, and even if you cant it will eventually end. But if you didn't like heaven, or got bored of it then tough titties, because you're stuck with it forever. Anyway, now I'm an atheist, so whatevs.

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I fear more to not accomplish my objectives in life than death itself.

Death is scary, because nobody knows what's on the other side. Everybody is worried about dying, some may have a lot of trouble with this, some may not be really afraid of it, but within all of us there's a tiny amount of fear within our minds

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only thing I'm really afraid of in death is that it's true that there is a heaven/hell, because if there is Im totally boned for eternity

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only thing I'm really afraid of in death is that it's true that there is a heaven/hell, because if there is Im totally boned for eternity


That depends on whether you're an asshole or god is an asshole.

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Death is exciting, you can finally see who was right. What if we get"re-spawned" like in that tumblr post, and we are all really one.

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Your friend wasn't actually dead.  There's a real difference between being dead and being declared dead by a doctor.  This is why the experiences people have in this state are called Near Death Experiences.  It's because they're only near death at that point, not dead.  If they were actually dead, you'd never hear about it and there'd have been nothing to talk about anyway.


Funny story about this though, there was an atheistic neurologist who had an NDE once, the part of his brain that would process the NDE hallucinations was totally not working, but he reported seeing some form of Heaven and became a religious person. I will cite this if you need me to.


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