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Florida State University Shooting

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It hasn't raised the price because the checkers aren't too effective.

Here in Australia the checkers are almost non-existent, and you know what?

Most of the drugs are much more expensive compared to that of America

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Mmhm. Like, 80% or 90% or something, of gang/cartel/whatever-related homicide is inter-gang/cartel/whatever.

And good riddance, frankly. That's just natural selection in effect.


That's not true at all, most of the deaths involved in drug traffic are innocent victims, trust me.

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Even if gun control was put into place, there will still be plenty of school shootings.

Why has there never been a school shooting here in Finland, even when everyone is forced by the law yo go to school? You want to know why?




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Obviously you have superior knowledge of other countries just by looking at stuff from the media


Well, your country have the superior knowledge to bring war to an entire zone with blurry photographies. But that's none of my business. Also, media showing this were not sponsorised by government or politics. It was a freelance journalist that bring it. Yes i must admit, i saw this documentary 1 time, forget where i found it and it was more than 1 year ago.



Oh and There: drugs are easily concealed, with mule (people being living container of drugs), inside little object, even little objects made with drugs.


Guns, well, are not so easily hideable. There is always metal part, ammunitions. Even if you dismount the guns to make them pass borders, it will be more difficult to hide them, as most of your cop are really familiar with firearms (which is kinda useful). And yes, price will rise, as guns are not made cheap by the constructors. It's not like drugs, that are make by drug barons that use people kinda like slaves. They can also afford a lil bit of a cut in their profit to let money continue flowing their bank account and beds.

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Why are we arguing here, lets just all accept that the gun laws in America are shit.


I am arguing because:

1) i love debate and ping pong arguments m'kay?

2) i love throwing alcool on a fire to see what bright colored flames appeared. Not IRL, you get the idea.

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Why has there never been a school shooting here in Finland, even when everyone is forced by the law yo go to school? You want to know why?





Saying the USA needs gun control is like saying that we should stop polluting the atmosphere.


It's kinda too late.

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Saying the USA needs gun control is like saying that we should stop polluting the atmosphere.


It's kinda too late.

Not on the same level as polluting the atmosphere though, if more effective laws like background checks and stuff like that were put it in place, it could be brought down

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I am arguing because:

1) i love debate and ping pong arguments m'kay?

2) i love throwing alcool on a fire to see what bright colored flames appeared. Not IRL, you get the idea.

I know, it's the internet keyboard warriors instinct to do that.

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I know, it's the internet keyboard warriors instinct to do that.

I take credit for everything

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Saying the USA needs gun control is like saying that we should stop polluting the atmosphere.


It's kinda too late.

It's easier to control one nation than to control the whole world, just sayin'

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A little problem. I'm finnish and don't unterstand what that means, like at all. Could you maybe fit it into a TL;DR easier to understand thing?

Just because two things correlate does not necessarily mean that one caused another.

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Did a law paper on gun control last year, argued that we need more pre-crime prevention such as anti-violence workshops, being more aware of warning signs (and actually doing something about the warning signs...), better background checks, etc.  and that gun control didn't do enough/anything since it targeted people who actually follow the law



A little problem. I'm finnish and don't unterstand what that means, like at all. Could you maybe fit it into a TL;DR easier to understand thing?

now as to this, it means that two things could appear to be correlated, but one does not actually cause the other.  example my statistics teacher gave:  shark attacks appear to be correlated with ice cream sales, but more shark attacks don't cause more ice cream sales. 

(more shark attacks in summer because people go to beach more ->  summer is hot -> ice cream sales ^, the actual causation is that it's summer so ice cream sales go up)

Hope that helps? :>



[totally not biased 'cause named after a gun company]

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