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The future of tf2?


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Despite grades there is still supply and demand over what items are liked and not liked:


- Obviously if a nice hat is a shitty grade, then even when its price gets set low lots of people will buy it... thus increasing the price.


- If the awesome grade item that no one likes is priced very high, then no one will buy it and the price will go down.


Yes the grades WILL have an effect on the prices, but it won't change the game completely and say items HAVE to have determined prices based on ranking.  I am sure that some Assassin grades will be worth more than some elite grades (just an example but you get my point).

Grades already existed before this, but they weren't shown explicitly.  Just giving them a visual will, yes, effect the prices, but not completely determine their value.  Also Valve isn't completely stupid, they will place items in the correct grades most of the time.


Also the point of this whole topic makes no sense, if you think tf2 is dying and you don't like it, then don't play it?  If you think tf2 is dying and you do like it, then play it.  Why do you need to post a depressing update about it stating either facts that are well known or opinions that only effect if YOU will play it.  We've seen these rants over and over and over, probably since the start of tf2.

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Yeah those too, but only 2 items that cant have unusual effects so not that big of a deal.

Do you not remember how many people were scammed with haunted items thinking they were unusuals when haunteds were first added back in 2011? 

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I don't think this new direction is really a terrible move.  So we get cases with items with varying degrees of rarity.  That was always the case, abeit not to the same degree of rarity (i.e. reds).  Not much of a change here, it's not like 90% of the items out of most crates aren't basically garbage anyway.   What I actually like is that the new effects are restricted to new hats.  What this means is that the existing pool of "old" unusuals doesn't get nearly as much influx which finally gives that market additional room to stabilize.  This was always the problem: way too many new hats entering the market all the time, creating unpredictable fluctuations in demand and supply.  With the new system at least you know for example, you're not getting a nebula effect on a TC or a Salty Dog (yes it's that good that it should be mentioned in the same breath as a TC).  All the new effects will be on new hats.  Yea, that kinda sucks, but at the same time, this market has been getting way too saturated for way too long (since 2012 post 2nd gens).  


In any case, you can still pick up any of the old crates (1st gen, robo, EOTL, etc. plenty of supply left) and unbox those effects on any of the old hats.  Or go for the new cases and try for a new effect, whatever, you have both options.  I don't see how this is that bad.  The old system resulted in saturated markets (stranges, cosmetics, unusuals), the new system somewhat balances the total pool of items.  I'm good with the new direction. 

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Do you not remember how many people were scammed with haunted items thinking they were unusuals when haunteds were first added back in 2011? 

I dont, that was a bit before my time.^^



Interesting point. I know for sure that we have way less hats to price now, I guess after all this could be a good thing too. Even tho I would love to see a Nebula KE. :c

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