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Why are traders mean?


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you really think thats the low point?


I seem to run across mental toddlers on a regular basis.

just a general range, Ive met traders over 30, but they arent common :3

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Generally, trading goes as follows.


Almost every motherfucker who wants to trade with you will try to lowball you, thinking they are smart and you are dumb, or at least dumb enough to take their pathetic offers.

Some straight up can not afford what you are selling, but will add you anyway to waste your time with an incredibly pathetic offer, followed by "plz" "come on" and other shitsucker begging that is supposed to make you feel sorry for their shittiness so that you will give them what they want.


Around 5-10% of traders that I have dealt with on mid-tier trades and up (10 keys or more) have just paid the cost in pure, been quick, and not a hassle to trade with.
The other 90-95% are the total idiots I never want to have bothering me again.

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Because people add you to waste your time even if you are polite.


Sure there are some nasties who will spew offensive garbage because they don't get their way....


But the main problem is that many traders will waste your time.


they add you, forget why even if you accepted within 30 seconds, it means they are careless and inconsiderate.  Then they do things like don't tell you what they want, go straight to a trade window where they start filling the trade with their garbage offer, or they simply don't do anything and just demand to see your item.  They endlessly demand to see your item because they have no pure, and won't say so.  So again, waste your time.  Others just add you and just won't say what they want, they expect you to pry the information out of them, they just keep saying hey hey hey or whatever when actually the first line they should have said was their offer, and that would have saved both their time and mine.  Its even worse when you are playing chat tag because you are online at different times and all you see is the guy say hello? or hey?    When they could have again..just said their offer and sped up the process.


And the worst are the people who add you and demand you give them a guided tour of your backpack for them to pick over, as if 30 cents profit is worth 30 minutes of your time.  People who don't read trade notes on outpost or where ever....are obnoxious.


When you add people, first line should be what you want to trade and for how much, no one cares about anything else.  You are talking to someone during a random time during their day, don't waste peoples time.

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What the hell are you talking about? I explained the reason why traders are generally a bunch of annoyed people. It's because of the huge bunch of idiots around.


That is completely different from the manner in which an individual controls, or displays their anger.

Idiots? If you mean like someone offers you 1 wep per key, that doesn't make him/her an idiot. Theyre just unexperienced. Maybe you could just say noty, and not like "wtf m8 f*ck you and your weps get the f*ck out of here" type of thing. Im not saying you do this but a lot of people do. If the unexperienced user starts getting rude against you, just keep calm and say you dont appreciate that, and if he continues, dont fight back, just block and remove him. Thats the easiest way to deal with a rude person ♡♥♡

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