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Why are so many people cashing out?


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Also a diversity in items means a thriving economy, not a stagnant one.
You might not like killstreaks, and sell them off cheap, but joe schmoe(and I) may love em, and pay a premium on good effects/sheens.

The more shit they keep making the more reason people will have to get into trading to either find something they want, they aren't willing to wait around to randomly receive, or someone that thinks something is worthless and would rather have some other type of items for it, and willing to part ways with it quickly, for less.

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I'm sure people cash out in a monthly basis. Usually 5-6 months if they can pull of tons of profit and actual real money. I'm planning to do so once I get enough and it's also good to cash out to prevent scammers from taking your stuff once you sell your stuff for money you can actually use for real life purposes than pixelated collections.



The number of people cashing out is high because there are willing cash buyers. This shows a strong virtual economy since the items are being traded for real world currency.



Most people aren't actually cashing out, they're just converting everything to pure to buy new shit.  



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