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Here I post frequently but inconsistently, both stories and vocabulary. Expect nothing, get anything.

Entries in this blog

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Lacquered wood and cold steel were the only things he could feel over the din of his sorrow. A harsh gust echoed across his mindscape, his gut rising and falling with every melancholy breath. The skylights refracted the darkness of the stormy night sky, twisting it, coiling it around his heart. A ragged breath escaped his trembling lips, a drop of sweat rolled through his stubble and onto the carpet. Then, a gunshot shook the room with a resounding crack. Then there was silence. And a shrill scr




This semester in college, I decided to proactively solve my communication difficulties with my peers, with a little bit of social experimentation mixed in. I am pretending to be mute, and I've written "I can't talk" on my right hand, and I flash it at anyone who attempts to talk to me. I told my teachers this beforehand because I realized they might try to get me switched into a special needs class otherwise, so they know not to try to talk to me. They think I'm a psych major doing early researc



Vocabulary with Angel Part Four

Maudlin: Excessively sentimental, often tearfully so   Lachrymose: Tearful, sad   apotheosis: the highest point in something, divine ascension   chauvinistic: overly patriotic or supportive of one's own cause, group, or sex, etc.   verboten: forbidden, especially by authority.   vicissitude: sharp change in fortune or circumstance.



Vocabulary with Angel - Part Three

Reticent- Not revealing ones thoughts or feelings readily     Ruminate: Sort of like pensive, deep thought.   Tumult: Anger   Riotous: Loud     nebulous: hazy, not well formed.     beholden: owing thanks, having a duty to carry out something.



The place

A visceral wind tore through the night. It's presence was not overlooked by the trees, whose branches and leaves rustled at its delicate touch, tendrils in the night sorting the wind like it were a substance. In the darkness beyond the swaying trees, behind the falling leaves, behind the rustling grass, lie an unmarked building sepulchered in lichen and moss, its death signified by its burial in new life. A sharp howl could be heard, a din in the darkness, borne of the wind and trees. A bear tor




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Vocabulary with Angel - Part one

Adroit- skillful both physically or mentally   tacit- implied. Such as "Though the boy did not thank his grandmother for the gift, she paid no mind, as his wide grin and enthusiasm were tacit gratitude."   portend- to signal the beginning of something, particularly a calamity or disaster.   obsequious- obedient or attentive to an excessive degree   servile- having or showing strong willingness to serve and please others; of a slave.                 This is my new type of blog, w



The keyhole

Through the keyhole the boy stared, the circular point with a wedge stuck on its bottom. Through it was a white light, it revealed the contents of the next room. The boy stepped back to turn the knob, and when his hand touched the knob it was met with a sickening cold, and then a nonfeeling. He tried to step back, but the feeling traveled up his arm. An irresistible urge led him to look back through the knob. Through it he saw a coffin, and realized his fate. The cold chill reached his heart, an



A lone rocket

A corrugated hose snapped into place on the female port on the side of the rocket's disposable thrusters, in preparation for launch. At the flip of a lever, the mechanism locked and the liquid fuel flowed into the compartment. Thousands of gallons would be needed to fill the cavernous tank. A few vehicles made their slow escape from the launch pad, one remaining to ferry the fueling vehicle back to the hangar. After a few minutes, the fueling was complete, and the rocket was turned on. Its compu



Self incrimination

He slammed his broad blade into the doorjamb, splintering it's edge and knocking a piece of wood out. Another slam brought the widening hole in the door to a point at which he could manually deactivate the deadbolt. With it out of the way, he quietly slid the door open, laughing to himself at his caution after having bludgeoned the door open. He walked inside the house, the soft dusk light filtering through the fancy blinds, oblivious to the carnage the door had borne witness to. He slammed the



My thoughts on emotion.

I've often wondered what that feeling is that you have normally, the feeling that isn't really a feeling but a numbness, a lack of feeling, when you're in no particular mood (like I am now) and simply existing, your emotions in complete control and lax. That simple numbness that perhaps should not be described as numbness, for it is not apathy but simple ceasing of the emotional turbulence that is normally associated with being, and instead a smooth coast along the emotional timeline, coasting t



A sunken ship

A futuristic fishing trawler sailed through the water in the antarctic. This ship was part of an elite fleet that ran on a uranium reactor, and it's greatest feature was it's hull heating system, which allowed it to break through the ice like butter, as the ice wouldn't stick to the side of the hull if the hull was warm. The heated water used to cool the reactor ran through leaden pipes along the sides of the hull at exactly the level that the ship sat comfortably at in the water. As such, the r



The year was 2005.

5/5/2005. I was eight years old, almost nine. It was a cool winter's day in south florida, at a village methodist. A black boy's teeth chattered, lightly but audibly, a few feet away. He was clad in a green striped windbreaker. Across the large property, a slide could be seen. In front of the slide was the sandpit, where I and friends on occasion could be found digging up the hardened sandstone and bringing it out of the ground carefully to slide down this slide. There were occasions we would ma



A description

The bright light of the laptop uses his body as the filling for a mold, casting his shape across the wall in absence and not light. In such, it lacks any defining color at all. A shadow can be both very descriptive of an object, and yet not be projecting that object itself but rather the absence of that object. I think that's pretty cool. The shadow cast by the light of the laptop is narrow because it's source is much larger than the object blocking it, and around the neck there is a lighter are



The infection

The boy's mother walked around the house, in a cleaning ritual that marked the beginning of the weekend. The smell of fruit and paraffin intertwined in the air, the boy thought offhandedly that it must be canning season. His mother looked at him, and gave him an odd look, her eyes growing round and large on her face, not figuratively but anatomically. "The door." she said, staring unseeingly. She repeated the phrase multiple times, and though the word she used was door, he knew she wasn't talk



Such is the nature of the world

Ever from shapeless molds we cleave All of our grandest deceptions Frantically we search for much needed reprieve Ironically necessitated by their inceptions In them we our darkest secrets hide In an effort to maintain our pride Effortlessly given and not left contrite Flightless birds given new height Dishonestly contrived, In politics thrived, An intricate trap laid for the listener Is often the penance of the sinner This is the nature of a dishonest world Such that Atlas his weig



A memoir

Light the candle, I'll show you the way Into the darkness, into the decay Bring a sword, we may enter a fray But don't pack heavy, not long will we stay Don't wander off, danger leads you astray And fear not, all of your fears I will allay.   Don't worry about your body, it will mend To our precious cargo you must tend The things here will leave you sickened Don't look into their eyes, to their will you will bend Claws, teeth, dripping with a deadly cocktail blend Don't let yourself



Potato Chip Nonsense

This bag of chips, it sits across the path from me. Not a path, but the gap between one side of the counter and the fridge, which separates it from me by about four feet of air, and some counter. It is definitely out of reach, not that I'm interested in grabbing it, just staring at it. I opened it earlier, and when I pulled at the opposing sides in the center like is traditionally done, it opened and ripped down the side. Not all the way to the bottom, but to about an inch before the chips actua



There once was a fish

It purported to produce progeny And upon its untimely wish It was overwhelmed, too many The gaping hole of it's stomach opened Out poured thousands of new kin Taken aback by the copious flow One must wonder how it's so Fish spawn oh so many And in the end remain few Some slaughtered, served as soup, Others swim away, merely on a whim Fish are such a mystery A food source throughout history Some extinct and on the bottom of the ocean Their remaining layers reside All are cannibals,



The cat that took a piss

The cat meandered along, staring at the ground intently. It was down on it's luck, it's owner having pampered it by feeding it wet food daily, and taking good care of it's coat. Indignant and frustrated, it pranced back and forth across the house. A short trip to the water bowl quenched none of it's innate frustration, so it leapt to the counter. It landed softly and without making a noise. Glancing up at the clock with it's eyes, it would have known the time to be past midnight if it could read



The dream of sorrow

It was a bright snowy day in a quaint modern town in Pennsylvania. A boy approached his school building with the practiced ease of child who’d finally resigned to his imprisonment there. He shrugged off his coat and placed it in his backpack, entering a computer lab for his first class. He sat down at a computer and inserted a flash drive, booting it. It was some time later that he realized his classmates were all dead and that there was a new man in the room. He looked out the window, and not



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