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Little problem with Opera 12.16


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So the problem is that I can't get frame with details after putting my mouse cursor on any item in anybody's backpack. I hope you understand what do you mean, I get no frame on this Opera's version http://puu.sh/88eN2.jpg but it of course should look like that http://puu.sh/88ePs.jpg. I know that there is already even Opera 20 but it has different engine, doesn't even have Java Scripts and I don't wanna use other browser just for one site, any way to fix it? I tried with disabled all addons + removed all Java Scripts but nothing helped and since few days (or maybe even weeks) frame doesn't show up. I hope that you can help me with this by fixing it on your side or maybe some tips what I can do (but not about changing browser)


EDIT: Just realised I should post it in other subforum, sorry D: Can someone move this please D: ?

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We will not be fixing this issue as Opera 12.16 is deprecated and the jQuery developers have known about this particular problem for 5 years, but are not going to fix it because it was Opera's problem

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