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Is Valve starting to care for TF2? (A filler of the new update)

A Cyan Stone in Mustard

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So in the new update (I'll just call it the April Fool's Update) Valve added a shitload of new stuff.


Really most of this just gives them more money so yeah.


1.  All Stranges are now marketable.


So they've said that they want a lot more items from TF2 to eventually be marketable (I read it somewhere, I forget where though). Specific stranges like botkillers and aussies, festives, etc. have been marketable as well as regular festives and all killstreak items. Now all the strange items can be marketable i.e. Strange Pain Train. Because of this the SCM is booming and Valve is making a lot of cash, as well as a bunch of people making profit off of the prices, so basic idea is everybodies happy.


2. New Strangifiers


In case everyone was wondering, the 3rd gen chem sets are Strongbox item strangifiers. When people found out what was in the strongboxes, they were pretty angry since most people were expecting weapons. Because of that, not many strongbox keys were bought, so a solution they thought of was to make them higher in demand. Now every strongbox item is strangable, so that means some more strongboxes will be unboxed, more chem sets and strangifiers will be bought on the SCM (Valve taxes) and more Crate #82's will be unboxed with all the new strangifiers in there too.


3. Unboxable Kits


Well it costs $0.99 to play a mission of Two Cities MvM and like $3.96 for a whole tour. Now people can just unbox killstreak kits from Crate #83, so that means a shitload of keys being bought. Additionally, this crate allows you to unbox professional killstreaks too, so that means if somebody sells one for a high price, a lot of money will come from Steam tax.


4. New Map and Taunts Planned


The End of the Line update is still far away, but Valve has decided to do something in the meantime. They've stated that a new map (Moonbase) is being made, which is probably not MvM. Also, they've said that taunts can now be uploaded to the workshop and they're making some themselves too.


5. Thief Promos Tradable


Fucking finally.




So is Valve now caring for TF2 with all the new features they've added or not? And let me know if I missed anything.

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I'm thinking this will be a short lived set of kits. It kind of does feel like an April Fools joke they forgot to turn off. The marketable stranges makes sense since they can't be had via free drops. Pretty much anything that can only be acquired via crate should be marketable.

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3. Unboxable Kits


Well it costs $0.99 to play a mission of Two Cities MvM and like $3.96 for a whole tour. Now people can just unbox killstreak kits from Crate #83, so that means a shitload of keys being bought.

free money

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If they cared for TF2, they would fix the trade servers

Its a trade server.

1) who uses those anymore? :P

2) you trade, its not about smooth gameplay

3) trade servers aren't owned by valve

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If they cared for TF2, they would fix the trade servers

Trade servers have nothing to do with valve. It had to do with the owners of the servers.

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Valve is just making money off tf2 to put into dota 2 :P.


But we have had updates often and been pretty good ones at that.

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Not to mention the new comic, Comic #3, being released earlier.


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Small question : will the Strangifier Kits disseapear after a while ? It said that they had an "expiration date". Or does it mean they will only last for some time ?

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Small question : will the Strangifier Kits disseapear after a while ? It said that they had an "expiration date". Or does it mean they will only last for some time ?

The chem sets will expire but the Strangifiers won't

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