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Prevent proofless price suggestions


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I don't know if this has been suggested before or not but when making suggestions, how bout we put a specific box for the proof and another box for notes. Links must be put into the proof box in order to make the suggestion.


Going further, how bout we put an approible  minimum number of links for a set item; examples: 50 links for keys, 10 links for stock stranges, 2 links for collector items. I'm not sure if those are really the right number but you get the idea.

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Eh,  that could prove to be a problem.


And what if there's only 1 link for proof? Mods would have to constantly change it back and forth and it would be extremely annoying

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I don't know if this has been suggested before or not but when making suggestions, how bout we put a specific box for the proof and another box for notes. Links must be put into the proof box in order to make the suggestion.


Going further, how bout we put an approible  minimum number of links for a set item; examples: 50 links for keys, 10 links for stock stranges, 2 links for collector items. I'm not sure if those are really the right number but you get the idea.

There are some stranges that less is 10 link obtainable(which means rare stranges), so I have to disagree with your suggestion. If a suggestion is wrong, provide counter-proof or guide them to how to suggest links/rules of bp.tf


Restricting limits on suggestion will only cause problems to regular suggester rather than help them. It might keep away useless new/troll suggesters but cause pain in the ass for regular suggesters. Then again, useless suggestions from trolls/new users will keep on coming restricted or not. They will just provide a bunch of useless proof and say "Hey, it said get 50 links for keys, so here it is :D"

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You could make it so that you have to post at least 1 link to an Autpost trade before you can send the suggestion period. Maybe it wouldn't do shit, but at least it would tell people that they should think about what they're doing.

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Proofless suggestions take 10 seconds to close. They don't add to the mod workload at all. And they never dominate the suggestions on the first page because they get cleared and aren't that common. If anything, a lot of people like the occasional easy rep. Think the minimum character limit is good enough

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