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is this item duped?


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Well, it says "This item appears to be duped", but I tried to check tf2items page and it didn't work. So, it may be duped, but I'm not completely sure.

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It appears to be duped, however theres not a way to be 100% sure because the person who appears to own another version of that hat has their BP/Profile set to "private" so we cant look inside to verify.

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Thanks guys. He wants to wait a day to see how many replies from his sourceop thread he gets. Should I report him? He scammed me by saying that it was clean and when I traded I found it was duped


His backpack should be public now to

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usualy items are duped even though they don't show duped, i had cloud 9 fff which was purchased clean after i sold it ended up mass duped 3 times.

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A lot of people are pretty funny about that stuff though and I want a good resale price if I ever resell it

Duped really doesn't mean anything on <10 bud unusuals. I wouldn't worry about it. And its not really scamming as some people don't really know how to determine an item is duped--although if he claimed it was cleaned and its been proved that it is duped he should reverse the trade (if you want) just to not be a dick. 


usualy items are duped even though they don't show duped, i had cloud 9 fff which was purchased clean after i sold it ended up mass duped 3 times.

The item was probably hijacked at some recent point before you bought it, or it was hijacked long ago and one/multiple of the dupes were hidden away in a private backpack/s. 

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I quicksold a semi-clean burning modest (only has 1 dupe) for 15.5 buds pure, (I bought for 19 pure 1 month ago, cry for me) just because I realised I prefer Scorching than Burning...


one guy was quickselling a clean one for 18 buds... I sold for -2,5 less just because "its duped blablabla" ;(

f*ck my money

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