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How do you guys find good deals


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Ive got 1400 pure but haven't seen anything quick selling in forever. You guys finding the same or deals still coming?

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I often find the best way to make profit is to sit on the toilet and browse the community market out of boredom until you find something interesting 

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I usually browse STN these days since items are constantly dropping in price there can be good opportunities but probably not the best place for someone with an immense amount of pure

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48 minutes ago, OGSemper said:

I often find the best way to make profit is to sit on the toilet and browse the community market out of boredom until you find something interesting 

tried this all i managed to do was invent the flux capacitor 

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Step 1 - buy bp premium

Step 2 - search up old halloweens

Step 3 - pester owners to sell to you

Step 4 - offer a "competitive" price

Step 5 - aquire the old Halloween

Step 6 - either A - list immediately for 3x your purchase price or B - hold onto the item for 2-4 years and then list for 3x your purchase price

Step 7 - Refuse to lower your prices 

Step 8 - profit

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When giving trading advice the first thing for someone new is to find there niche in the market that they know. Once you get big enough you need to trade it a lot of different items to keep growing. The more niche the item the more the margin you can expect and the more time to sell as well.


I won’t tell you everything to not have you and everyone else competing with me but I deal in anything, war paints, unusual weapons, taunts, blood scopes, spells, not much but cs if the deal is right.


i normally buy things i like and other people see my sets and like them more and offer accordingly.


for you I would say what risk can you stomach and how long of a time frame you want for items and that will dictate what direction you go.


1000+ is also where I think running a bot becomes worth it.


I say all that to say. Make buy orders on thing you like and try to scoop up nice stuff and sell for 10/20% profit or more depending.

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My advice is definitely discord servers, hopping on trade servers like Vatican City or stn.tf. I got some really good deals by talking with people.

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i always say connections, people know you and come to you because of past good trading experiences or because you fill a niche others don’t. 

friend of mine paid 1500 keys in cash for a scorching veil, flipped for 2500 keys in items. 

also knowing where to find a deal is a good skill to have. I’ve seen quite a few decent deals and have even scooped up a few things myself from stn 


the more open you are to working with trash items and new stuff, the more your circle will open. the more pure you have, the more capable your ability to cash out whales, so they notice and consider you when it’s time for money moves.


discords are fine but it’s just the same thing as connections. if you don’t know anyone and haven’t established yourself nobody will fuck with you


also the biggest assholes (me) will hold onto whatever cancer halloweens they have and refuse to let go for anything but profit, usually massive profit if ur nervous Pyro or someone adjacent. The three groups of people who still own halloweens are:


1. whales, owning a majority of the god tiers

2. little fish, scooping up a decent Halloween or a cancer god tier here and there

3. og players who have been pestered by whales and trader mains for literal years for their shit (bonzo tossle, bonzo bonk, spellbound rack etc)


your best bet for halloweens is to find a little fish like me (but not me) and see how negotiable the pure price is. I’ll usually see a hat listed for 1500 and it ends up getting priced at 775, hyperinflated listings aren’t true prices.


you’ll definitely come across rejection (i wouldnt spit on 1400 keys tbh, would be 100s of keys under my break even price), but that doesn’t mean another guy won’t take a fair offer for something you can flip $$$$

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yeah, for some reason pure buys have been rare for me as well

everything has been cash, mainly through connections, so start building your friendslist

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Steam Community Market.


I find something good every few days.

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On 5/21/2024 at 8:20 PM, Sardeenz said:

Step 1 - buy bp premium

Step 2 - search up old halloweens

Step 3 - pester owners to sell to you

Step 4 - offer a "competitive" price

Step 5 - aquire the old Halloween

Step 6 - either A - list immediately for 3x your purchase price or B - hold onto the item for 2-4 years and then list for 3x your purchase price

Step 7 - Refuse to lower your prices 

Step 8 - profit


Sad but True

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Be active and don't expect quicksells to come your way. They're named quicksells for a reason, because they offer a great price and get bought very quickly (that's how good they are). Place doesn't matter (bp.tf, SCM, TF2 trade servers, Discord servers etc.), the time you spend on sniping quicksells does. There's no such thing as quickbuying, you're expected to find quicksells since the quickseller won't ever waste time on seeking out quickbuyers.

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