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Key price suggestions

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I keep witnessing that "tight price range" criteria for key price suggestions, leading price of keys to stay inaccurate for weeks.

I strongly believe expectation it to have 0.33 ref price range is an obsession, that remained from the times when keys were 8-14-15 refs, and 0.33 ref mattered.

When we think about it, 0.33 ref, doesnt metter anymore. When keys were 14 refs, it makes sense to not tolerate above 2% price range. But now 2% of key price in refs makes about 1 ref wide range, and when you think about it, if we had chance to put 1 ref range in price suggestions of keys, keys wouldnt stay wrong priced that long.


I want to hear your ideas about that topic. that's literally only the third time i opened this website ever, so i might be slow on response.

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I believe it's better to wait till they stablise, in my opinion. If you price it and it's wrong within 2-3 days then it shouldn't be the price.

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On 5/18/2024 at 5:31 PM, Taylan said:

"tight price range" criteria for key price suggestions


expectation it to have 0.33 ref price range is an obsession

I'm not sure where you're getting this?



Both of these are accepted ranges >1 ref within the last year.


At best, in all of the closed suggestions from the last ~6 months, only these two make any mention of a "tight range"

https://backpack.tf/suggestion/65c66e7456bb8d54a608b3c9 - Sir spoon "this is a very wide range for keys and I don't think this will work", but was closed for bad evidence


https://backpack.tf/suggestion/6621b20cfb7015782501b6dc - which had comments saying range too wide but in this instance it was a 3 ref gap and the snapshot linked does appear to show an unstable price as jayt commented, however it wasn't officially closed so there isn't really an official verdict to draw a conclusion from 🤷‍♂️



From the non-unu suggestion rules post:

On 5/14/2015 at 2:16 PM, polar said:

We are after the common trading points for items. People will always sell for above and below backpack.tf prices, but this doesn't mean we will make all-encompassing ranges to document every single sale value. We are only showing the most common trade values. The number of sales always trumps the time it takes for an item to sell.

Inherently, a stable key price is going to have a very small range because that's how liquid items are. The gap between buyers and sellers is tiny. You can see this on the snapshots graph for keys (I think the gap at the front of the graph is from dead bot buy orders) and other liquids like tods. If you go back to older dates, such as May 13, you can see the buyers and sellers are still on top of each other, just offset by ~4 ref at time of writing (May 13 orders are 71 ref, currently they are like 75.11). The gap between these days here suggests a price instability.



Price mod/veteran suggester can correct anything I've said here these are just my observations.


Oh yea I also moved this to the website suggestion section since I think you're trying to suggest a rule for key suggestions?

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