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Is TF2 Trading still fun? (2024)


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I always hear questions asking if its worth trading or not. If it gives you money to play tf2 and trade items. But I never hear questions on if tf2 trading is still fun?


I used to trade a lot during 2014-2016 and being more involved in the economy was a little easier back then. I remember Outpost where I would send my offers for items in. I remember actually trading with people, though failing most of the time due to me not being dishonest and scammy. I used to do low item trading before that became obsolete. Watched the Virtual economist vids while they were new and interesting to hear. Etc. I know memory is fogging my view, especially every time I try to trade again. But I at least had fun slowly growing my income so I can get cooler items to wear and sell.


Is that even possible anymore? Can you be proactive in tf2 trading, or is everything reactive due to the bots flooding the market? Is it possible to have fun while trading anymore?

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33 minutes ago, Cookiesurvival said:

tf2 trading is still fun?



34 minutes ago, Cookiesurvival said:

economy was a little easier back then

miscs and halloweens weren’t inflated 


35 minutes ago, Cookiesurvival said:

Is that even possible anymore?

connections and money


35 minutes ago, Cookiesurvival said:

Is it possible to have fun while trading anymore?




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It's as fun as hitting your head against a brick wall.


It can be nice at times (not fun, just nice), really depends on the people/items you want to deal with. Especially if you are willing to spend some money when you start, skips you the pain of really low tier trading (which is pretty dead due to bots anyway)

You can definitely be proactive in TF2 trading, we still have people climbing from 1k to 15k backpacks within two to three years or sth, there is just a lot more competition nowadays (also a good chunk of those people are insane lowballers, but yeah they are proactive).

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I'd say it's what you make of it. Personally, I've had a ton of fun trading in tf. Just the one thing that might hinder you to an extent is that you're also coming to an scape where a good majority of everyone else is also trying to make a profit. It can be more fun the more you put effort into meeting new people in the trading scene rather than just being a blank-slate trader who is in it for one thing and then to leave. HMU if you want my longer longer answer.

Cheers and welcome back if you decide to rejoin my guy.

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1 hour ago, Cookiesurvival said:

tf2 trading is still fun?


Depends on your definition of fun. 

Generally no, though... 

Do you enjoy pain and suffering? If ye, then yes trading is fun. If no, then no.


You can meet cool people sure, but is that worth the 50 stupid or just clueless people within their own heads to meet that 1 chill person? Probably not. 


1 hour ago, Cookiesurvival said:

though failing most of the time due to me not being dishonest and scammy


Funny thing is, that is the main activity of most traders now, being as dishonest as possible to move items quicker.

People lie about offers, sales, prices they paid, amount in existence etc, its all common place now which hurts the smaller honest crowd and causes even smaller backpacks to try these tactics or to think you are not telling the truth about your item.


1 hour ago, Cookiesurvival said:

Is that even possible anymore? Can you be proactive in tf2 trading


It is still possible but with the amount of effort it takes to go from even 1 key to 10 keys, its easier to just beg for money on the side of the local McDonalds and get beat a few times by security. 

Once you hit past 500 keys it can be some fun little side money you can use for steam games and such during steam sales. Trading is no more than a hobby in terms of what it is now.


1 hour ago, Cookiesurvival said:

Is it possible to have fun while trading anymore?


100% you can have fun, any hobby can be fun with the right spirit.

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Getting a deal is always fun and selling stuff is fun too, but the times in-between are so slow and random its generally not worth unless you're really proactive and enjoy it.


I just embrace gambling its more fun

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yes its fun..................if your definition of fun if the equivalent of listening to baby shark on loop non stop whilst having some really bad diarrhea and an eye that is always itchy no matter how much you scratch it with the only way to stop this suffering is to oof yourself with a peace of string that keeps breaking every time you try so you are just stuck in a complete loop of pain and unable to stop it

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It's way more enjoyable being a whale and just buying what you want.

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5 hours ago, Cookiesurvival said:

I always hear questions asking if its worth trading or not. If it gives you money to play tf2 and trade items. But I never hear questions on if tf2 trading is still fun?


I used to trade a lot during 2014-2016 and being more involved in the economy was a little easier back then. I remember Outpost where I would send my offers for items in. I remember actually trading with people, though failing most of the time due to me not being dishonest and scammy. I used to do low item trading before that became obsolete. Watched the Virtual economist vids while they were new and interesting to hear. Etc. I know memory is fogging my view, especially every time I try to trade again. But I at least had fun slowly growing my income so I can get cooler items to wear and sell.


Is that even possible anymore? Can you be proactive in tf2 trading, or is everything reactive due to the bots flooding the market? Is it possible to have fun while trading anymore?

It's still fun. Just keep trading as a hobby and don't let it be an 8-5 job. Good luck.

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5 hours ago, Heidecker said:

It's as fun as hitting your head against a brick wall.


It can be nice at times (not fun, just nice), really depends on the people/items you want to deal with. Especially if you are willing to spend some money when you start, skips you the pain of really low tier trading (which is pretty dead due to bots anyway)

You can definitely be proactive in TF2 trading, we still have people climbing from 1k to 15k backpacks within two to three years or sth, there is just a lot more competition nowadays (also a good chunk of those people are insane lowballers, but yeah they are proactive).

Problem is when people pretend to be nice just to sell their stuff, personally I find it hard to say no, it's definitely good to be able to say no to trades

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Honestly I've quit only to come back like 2 months later so many times I can't even give a genuine response anymore.



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I’m addicted to it, but that’s because I treat it as a casual hobby. If you take it seriously it will break you

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I don't think it was ever actually fun. It's always just been a necessary chore if you wanted to have swag.

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Trading is annoying but collecting mid or high tier stuff and selling it slowly for a modest profit is rewarding. You get the fun of collecting cool stuff and if someone offers you dumb shit (99% of the time) you can just say no and leave it at that.


This strategy kind of hinges on having a steady income though.

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Depends on what your idea of "fun" is.


Is "fun" making profit? If so, you need a decent investment into the game for the sake of actually trading unusuals and any other items you get. 


Is "fun" meeting new people? If so, go outside. You don't want to know what half of the unusual traders are like outside of the game, trust me. It's a nice mix of weebs, furries, homophobia, racism, or lord knows what else. 


I think most people that have any interest in trading usually just end up doing it to work up to a dream unusual of theirs, and call it a day so they can play the actual game afterwards while enjoying the fruits of their labor. Or just treat it like a side hobby if you have some free time. If you're gonna spend a while doing something, might as well try to make some money out of it. 

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depends on what your goals are tbh

for me? no.

most of the cool stuff that I'd want is locked away forever. either that or it's aped so hard that I refuse to buy it, purely out of spite.

profit trading can be fun sometimes, but if I were to do it consistently, I'd view it as a chore.

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Something that doesn't exist can't be fun

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