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Beware of new fishing/scam method.


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As my -rep was deleted off of this guys profile by OverduePixels, I come here to raise awareness.

Beware of people trying to offer "X amount of keys over current buy order" as all the bots has been banned and therefore their buy orders are now gone.
This happened to me as some guy offered me (twice as he had most likely managed to get an item off of someone else for cheap with the same keys) 30 keys for my disco beat down Otoloaryngologist's Mirror, which he claimed was 8 keys over current buy order (which in all fairness it was), however, literally 2 days prior the same item (non-spelled) was at 41.x keys and had been above 40 keys for months. Sadly we cant fact check this through gladiator anymore but you would have to trust me on this one.
I am afraid that this will push newer traders/users away from trading and even playing the game.
I am also aware that some bots are starting to come back, so this may be less relevant now.

I don't owe anyone anything regarding censoring names/profiles.
Don't witch hunt the guy, if anything if you're angry of me for something go for me instead? lmao
He deleted my comment and blocked me to hide the fact that hes dodgy.
I've got no clue why the pictures are so massive, sorry for ruining scroll wheels.

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Anybody can check buy order history. They're not always stable even when bots aren't getting temp trade banned. I don't like what he did but if what he did was punishable then why aren't the low buy orders from bots and other human buyers punishable? Should buy orders in genera l have some standard that if they're too much lower than an item is worth that its punishable and if not why the double standard? Why should bots which are actively hurting the trading community and often make worse offers get a pass?

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The fact that this caught you out is worrying on your end alone - don't you know what you're selling? You seem to know that buy orders were at 40 for months but you still accepted 30, and now he's the villain because you accepted his bad offer?
Sure he's not looking like a decent character at all but if you're the guy selling the item, it's your responsibility to make sure you get a fair deal on it.

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I'm really not worried about myself in this, I'm worried about newer users. It's literally just to gain awareness on what I would personally call a scam, at minimum highly unethical.
People seem extremely "by the book" when it comes to scams, but there are more scams that can be read between the lines. Just harder to get punished by that.

I'm all good, don't worry about me. I'm only worried about people WHO DON'T KNOW the value of their own items. As I've seen his inventory suddenly bloomed around the time of the bots being banned.
Literally just a call for awareness, nothing more.

No I did not go through with this trade.
And no, of course, me personally I do not rely on buy orders and I never have. But for some, who came to the scene when the buy orders were "decent" at best, theres a high posibility that many of them may go off of them.

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Anyone who "falls for this" (imo a legitimate offer, because there's no guarantee bots come back and provide "support" in the same places they once were) deserves it

Quit tryharding on trying to protect noobs

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This person didn't trick you into accepting, nor did they make you click a link. Thus, this was not a scam, phish, or shark.

If you are not even willing to check the history of your hat's buyorders, and then decide to base its value on buyorders, then it is inevitable that you will accept an unfair trade of your own fault.

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not a scam just a low ball

In my opinion some really low balls can be considered scams cus of how wide of a range of profit someone can make with the offer

but in this case its just a low ball and not low enough for a -rep to be valid (in my opinion)



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Hey Zoskapai. It's nice seeing you again homie. Yeah it's like people taking advantage of the bots being gone rn, so they're trying to quickbuy rn. It's Like Spoon said it's just a low ball if anything. Like I said on another post, buy orders don't define your item. Thanks for sharing btw! :D

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Y'know never mentioned this until now because I thought he'd banned or something eventually but at some point the guy did try to pull the strange festivIZED scattergun scam on me a while ago. Wasn't even on a hat I was selling. So yeah the guy is beyond shady.

big scamming energy.PNG

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On 3/27/2024 at 5:40 PM, Broccoli Dood said:

Y'know never mentioned this until now because I thought he'd banned or something eventually but at some point the guy did try to pull the strange festivIZED scattergun scam on me a while ago. Wasn't even on a hat I was selling

big scamming energy.PNG

Ayo Broccoli Dood! Yeah strange festivized scams are pretty old ngl. Unfortunately people still fall for it xd 

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The fact that so many people are saying 'hurr ur dumb if you fall for that' is kind of telling of the sort of community we have here. Shouldn't we be 'sticking up for noobs'? or is it just fair game to screw people over who don't know any better?


I mean yeah in this situation it's not really that egregious given the relative values, but referring to buy offers that are artificially low in your offer to try mislead someone as to value is super scummy.  I swear to God every time I visit these forums I lose a bit of faith in humanity.

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27 minutes ago, Esteban said:

Shouldn't we be 'sticking up for noobs'?


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38 minutes ago, Esteban said:

So many people are saying 'hurr ur dumb if you fall for that' 

This is just people telling the truth. If you're trying to make profit (or even just not lose money) trading, you should have at least a vague idea of how much your item is worth.

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1 hour ago, Esteban said:

I swear to God every time I visit these forums I lose a bit of faith in humanity.


I swear to God every time I visit these forums I can tell who has never played Runescape.

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2 hours ago, Esteban said:

The fact that so many people are saying 'hurr ur dumb if you fall for that' is kind of telling of the sort of community we have here. Shouldn't we be 'sticking up for noobs'? or is it just fair game to screw people over who don't know any better?


I mean yeah in this situation it's not really that egregious given the relative values, but referring to buy offers that are artificially low in your offer to try mislead someone as to value is super scummy.  I swear to God every time I visit these forums I lose a bit of faith in humanity.

Ngl we do have a topic discussion of unbalanced trades that's ongoing right now by Teeny herself, Esteban. I believe putting forward the discussion and asking about this would help. If there's anything that you're still thinking about asking for clarifications on may help for the foreseeable future.

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Please don't rely on buy orders. It will affect and slow down your progress. From personal experience.

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backpack.tf don't care about scammers or phishers they all scammers and phishers

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With an inventory worth ~3,800 keys or so I think it is safe to say OP is not a newbie. It honestly just sounds like they are mad that they got lowballed. You should have been around for the tf2tp/tf2outpost days...


Creating this thread is an over exaggeration. Calling the "offense" mentioned in the OP phishing/scamming is really reaching.

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This guys sent me bad offers for stuff I’ve said I’m not selling a couple times, didn’t think much of it

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13 hours ago, Esteban said:

The fact that so many people are saying 'hurr ur dumb if you fall for that' is kind of telling of the sort of community we have here. Shouldn't we be 'sticking up for noobs'? or is it just fair game to screw people over who don't know any better?


I mean yeah in this situation it's not really that egregious given the relative values, but referring to buy offers that are artificially low in your offer to try mislead someone as to value is super scummy.  I swear to God every time I visit these forums I lose a bit of faith in humanity.

Unfortunatelly this has been a thing for a long time, there's always a lot of rudeness towards these situations
From bullying people who get scammed, to reporting people for the smallest mistakes (when it's you doing it) and so on

threads like these are still helpful to me though,
thank you op for posting. 

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people shouldnt rely on buy orders for trading. good majority of them are quickbuying at 60-70% of.

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On 3/27/2024 at 8:27 PM, Sir Spoon The Second said:

not a scam just a low ball

In my opinion some really low balls can be considered scams cus of how wide of a range of profit someone can make with the offer

but in this case its just a low ball and not low enough for a -rep to be valid (in my opinion)



To be completely fair, he does come to my profile doubling down on his skewed view that I should be happy and grateful that someone offered what he offered, which implies that his offer was too good to be true in his eyes, aka an attempt to further persuade in my eyes.
Also tells me that I would never get 41 keys for the hat anymore as I could've done FROM BUY ORDERS  a week or two prior to his offer lmao.

Removing and blocking right after I call him out isn't a great look either.
It's clear he knows what he is doing is wrong and doesn't want to be stopped/called out for it.

All I want is to make my side as clear as possible. He has been proven to do scummy things prior.
The awful mentality of not wanting to help newcomers is disgusting.
New and more faces is what keeps the little trading we have today alive.

It is sad to see so many scammers roam free, Omen is far from the worst of these, it was just something new that I wanted people to lay eyes upon.
I just simply have no concrete proof of the worst scammers/abusers of other scammers to make anything that people and even I would trust.
It is harder to go against scammers than to either join them or help them keep shit hidden as the reaction people get for going against is more than often met without an open mind.

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