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What to do with Halloween items


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What am I supposed to do with Halloween only items, I can't trade or craft? (Looking at shit like "Lo-Grav-Loafers"... the corresponding Coat is like a key, https://backpack.tf/stats/Haunted/Surgeon's Space Suit/Tradable/Craftable ... I can't afford that shit, but also can't sell the Loafers... 
Is this Valve giving you pants for free trying to get you to buy 50 keys, to unbox the matching Coat?


What do you guys do with all your Halloween items?


Also, is there a bot that buys Cosmetic Cases? I have a bunch listed but no takers so far. I'm trying to build up some refined for trading.

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they're untradable cuz it'd be a mess if every TF2 player out there could get their hands on a tradable haunted variant of every item hahah, they mostly just serve as rewards for contracts to drive people to complete Hween contracts more

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1 hour ago, arden_enson said:

Is this Valve giving you pants for free trying to get you to buy 50 keys, to unbox the matching Coat?

You can't unbox a tradeable version of the matching coat any more, and haven't been able to for a decade. The tradeable ones only come from the Halloween year they were introduced, the untradeable ones are from the contracts and transmutes and are ways for newer players to get them without having to spend money on the discontinued versions.


I delete my untradeable ones since they take up too much space and I can't use backpack expanders anymore (Though I can't help but notice that you have a proof of purchase, which should have meant that you'd've been gifted by now more than enough backpack expanders to reach around 1,000 slots).


1 hour ago, arden_enson said:

Also, is there a bot that buys Cosmetic Cases? I have a bunch listed but no takers so far. I'm trying to build up some refined for trading.

Only for the older cases that are worth something. Otherwise, you might find some to take them for free, but at that point, it's better to just put them up on the SCM for 3 cents and wait 8 months to get your penny.

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6 hours ago, Scott Bakula said:

(Though I can't help but notice that you have a proof of purchase, which should have meant that you'd've been gifted by now more than enough backpack expanders to reach around 1,000 slots).

Can get the proof of purchase from buying the orange box (which is often on sale for <$5 at a guess), not sure how that correlates with being gifted expanders


Transmute or delete them - if the cosmetics from the halloween packages were tradeable all the ones you see listed wouldn't be worth a key or in some cases 20+ keys

The cases you can either throw on community market for 3c and hope it sells or delete


When Smismass comes you'll more than likely get a package which contains a backpack expander, until then it's a case of buy more expanders or just live with having next to no space

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3 hours ago, Alecto said:

not sure how that correlates with being gifted expanders

I'm basically inferring that because of the age of the account combined with the proof of purchase, that he would've been given enough Stocking stuffers that contained free backpack expanders. I will admit that I forgot that you can still purchase The Orange Box to get one, but even if that is the case, it looks like it was done 5+ years ago based off of his achievements.

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22 hours ago, Scott Bakula said:

You can't unbox a tradeable version of the matching coat any more, and haven't been able to for a decade. The tradeable ones only come from the Halloween year they were introduced, the untradeable ones are from the contracts and transmutes and are ways for newer players to get them without having to spend money on the discontinued versions.


I delete my untradeable ones since they take up too much space and I can't use backpack expanders anymore (Though I can't help but notice that you have a proof of purchase, which should have meant that you'd've been gifted by now more than enough backpack expanders to reach around 1,000 slots).


Only for the older cases that are worth something. Otherwise, you might find some to take them for free, but at that point, it's better to just put them up on the SCM for 3 cents and wait 8 months to get your penny.

What's SCM? (Steam Community Market?)

Oh and on the Proof of Purchase, I read somewhere that you get if bought the game before it became F2P, but I somehow got it way after. I don't know if I found it or won it or something. (Alright reading onward: I did once buy the whole Valve catalogue when it was on sale for 20eur, that may have contained the Orange Box)
I never got a single backpack expander... I got my original six pages of inventory. How do you get an expander? Can't recall ever getting a stocking stuffer...

Just FYI, I started playing when it became F2P, when I first was at uni (flunked out bc I got depressed), then stopped playing for a couple years because I had no time/ motivation next to work, now I'm doing better and finishing my degree and also picked up playing again. So I missed a few years of TF2 history.

Thanks for the other answers!

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22 hours ago, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee said:

transmute them into better stuff 

Can you get a tradeable item by transmuting Halloween stuff?

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4 hours ago, arden_enson said:

How do you get an expander? Can't recall ever getting a stocking stuffer.

If a player logs in at any time during the Smissmas Event, which usually runs from somewhere in December to somewhere in January, they receive a Gift-Stuffed Stocking which will contain a giftapult, a backpack expander, a name tag, a description tag, a random paint, 2-3 random weapons, and a Smissmas Sweater War Paint (All untradeable). Additionally, they can also be found randomly as a bonus item when opening any case, or can be purchased through the Steam Store or the SCM for about $1 each. They also currently trade for about 27 refined.


3 hours ago, arden_enson said:

Can you get a tradeable item by transmuting Halloween stuff?

No. Transmutes will always result in an untradeable item.

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On 11/4/2023 at 5:22 PM, Scott Bakula said:

If a player logs in at any time during the Smissmas Event, which usually runs from somewhere in December to somewhere in January, they receive a Gift-Stuffed Stocking which will contain a giftapult, a backpack expander, a name tag, a description tag, a random paint, 2-3 random weapons, and a Smissmas Sweater War Paint (All untradeable). Additionally, they can also be found randomly as a bonus item when opening any case, or can be purchased through the Steam Store or the SCM for about $1 each. They also currently trade for about 27 refined.


No. Transmutes will always result in an untradeable item.

Hmm thanks so far all,

next Halloween related question: I dont' know what happened to my spellbook (i may have deleted a bunch of stuff when I was F2P and couldn't afford 5 bucks in 2014). 
I can't find a fancy spellbook to buy. Can I delete my achiements and do Helltower again to get one?

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