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Golden Pan Challenge


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Hello Everyone!


Currently, I am hosting a 30 day Golden pan challenge on Twitch.


It is currently day 28 and I can say that the biggest thing that has gotten to me is the inefficiency and lack of skill in most public games.

I have met some great folks, but unfortunately the not so great folks stick in my mind the most.


I have been tossing around the idea of extending the challenge or altering it a bit after the current one expires, however, if I do this again I'm going to need a team.


That being said, I think it'd be interesting if maybe 1 tour a night we drag along a viewer or something and teach them a bit, that way we are still doing our part for the community.


I'd like to see what ideas YOU guys come up with, as well as gauge interest for those of you out there with some extra time on your hands and a desire for GOLD :D


On a separate note, just in case the admins see this, I'd like to organize a 'game with fame' day sometime, where we get some big wigs together to game and answer community questions.


My apologies if this is in the wrong place.



Thank you for your time,



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You got quite a few followers. ;)


Too baad you are american (correct me if I'm wrong) and our time shedules will not match. I used to play at least a tour per day. ^^

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I misread the title as "Golden Porn Challenge" and spilled my drink in my haste to find out how one would sign up. :(

lawling at dis

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I would love to be in your group, I can play 5-9 est on monday-thurs, 9:30-1am Friday, and 4-12 sat and sunday.  Im on my 22nd tour as of posting this, and I main mvm demo.  Go ahead and contact me if you're interested.

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You got quite a few followers. ;)


Too baad you are american (correct me if I'm wrong) and our time shedules will not match. I used to play at least a tour per day. ^^


Thank you! I've been around for a little while :P

I keep crazy hours for an american.

Right now the show seems to be going from 4pm-4am (Pacific)

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Thank you all for the interest and response thus far!


Helpful things would be:


Number of tours:

Classes played:




What sounds like some fun 'rules' for the next challenge?


So far the rules for this one are:

2 tours a day

Surplus usage on every 4th map(tour completion)

Game giveaway at least once per day



Community night (invite people from twitch or wherever)

Game with fame night (invite some famous folks to come play)

Challenge days (have to play silly classes or weapons)

Speedruns? (try to beat x map in x time)


Thanks again for viewing!

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