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Unusual price suddenly gone


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I've had an unusual Blizzardy Storm Fur-Lined Fighter for a few weeks now. Yesterday when I went to sell it I noticed the price had been removed from backpack.tf, along with all previous data. 


It also affected the other effects of the unusual:

https://backpack.tf/unusual/Fur-Lined Fighter


As you can see from the history, it was bought from scrap.tf:



Scrap.tf does not buy or sell unpriced unusuals so there's the proof that it was previously priced.


Does anyone have any idea why this happened? And is there any chance of it being fixed or am I stuck with an unpriced unusual now?

Any responses to this are much appreciated, thanks!



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previous things have happened with the Buckaroos hat and towering pillar of summer shades. it's fuckin stupid as now you don't know how many of the item actually exist

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Valve changed the capitalization on 6 items in the last update; Medic Mech-Bag, Pop-Eyes, Fur-Lined Fighter, Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat, Festive Flip-Thwomps and the Second-Head Headwear.


Meaning all price suggestions are now gone, dunno why it’s like this.



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wtf dude why don't you go and make price suggestions to farm fake internet points. why are u being so pissy about it? bp mods will eventually fix it and even people helped that would be better for more updated price?

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8 hours ago, Strange said:

don't worry guys, it's just an other opportunity for us price suggesters to farm more contribution

im top 50 cause i used to go through and upvote every single suggestion lmao. Its an easily farmable system

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