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why tf is searching for warpaint so hard


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You need to spell and capitalize the whole name exactly right.


If you are looking for a Mark 2 of something, then God help us all.

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You need to select "War Paint" as the item in the search like this:image.png.1cb81b459589916e8ce2e9da5701f8fe.png


Then you put the skin in "Texture & Wear," but you need to have the correct spelling and capitalization.

For example, a Field-Tested Quack Canvassed War Paint would be searched as:



The resulting search will be https://backpack.tf/classifieds?item=War Paint&texture_name=Quack Canvassed&wear_tier=3

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What I like to do is open up classifieds, then advanced search, type in the exact name of the war paint and then select all wears. Then it should display both unapplied and applied if there are any available. lmk if you need anymore assistance


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There should be a tutorial on how to search for War Paints highlighted somewhere on the site. No new user would have been able to figure this out themself.

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