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Underrated Effects


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The 2019 smoke effects (Twisted Radiance, Ethereal Essence, Mystical Medley.) Never hear anyone talking about these looking for them or anything. Definitely among my favourites in the game.

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The trash gushing from a severed neck effects; brain drain, head of steam amd the other effect. They're pretty nice honestly, can't find any on a head I'd like though.

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H. Ghosts is honestly always been super underrated to me. Really large effect, the ghosts look goofy but it fits TF2's goofy nature and artstyle well, really nice colors, excellent visibility in dark/medium brightness areas, and yeah it's hard to see in bright areas but so is GE and Sunbeams which both have always been a lot pricier. Yet until recently when 1st gens on god tiers started to climb you could get H. Ghosts on absolutely god tier classic hats for under 30-40 keys every day of the week.

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Massed flies on Sniper hats and nuts and bolts on Engineer hats.


These are classic but super subtle effects.


I also like dead presidents and sparkling lights.


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Overrated - most overpriced halloween effects, burning flames, scorching flames.

I'd say currently the most overrated effect in the game has to be Knifestorm, just funny how It used to be cancer tier effect back in a day and now It's considered god tier. Yes I know "haha low supply!!", still a shit effect


Underrated - robo effects, blizz/stormy, tf/peace logos, haunted ghosts, cauldron bubbles.

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12 hours ago, n_n said:

I also like dead presidents



If they'd just fix the bugs DP and Ace's have they'd probably be a lot more popular in the trading community, not instant god tier obviously but they'd at least be up with cloud 9 / miami nights and stuff. They're pretty big and noticable effects that are also subtle and really fit the style and theme of TF2. But you've got a 35% chance on joining a server that either effect just doesn't show up or orbits way too far away and then a 10% chance every time you die or swap classes that the effect totally disappears.

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15 hours ago, Replicant said:

Big and noticeable / subtle are mutually exlusive.


I worded that poorly, what I mean is that the effects are big and noticeable but not flashy and crazy. You can see DP/Ace's from a good distance away but they aren't friggen Kaleidoscope which is just puking every color in the RGB spectrum.

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all hats that represent turkish culture (janissary ketche,tsarboosh,meditarrenean mercenary,familiar fez i wonder if there is anything else besides these) are very good and very underrated.during my 400+ hours of playing the one i saw the most was the familiar fez. besides that i saw a  janissary ketche spy on casual harvest recently.

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