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My freind has been phissed


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My freind opened a link from a random dude an got scammed his acounnt is D34D3YE. Please help me he asked me if the link was real i sad yes, i did not pay attion beacose of home scool. the scmmer has reset his password and he is locked out. The url was steamcommunnty.com with 2 n's

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If you did not check WHY would you say yes.


If you have any other way to contact them tell them to follow ALL of these steps:

1. Change password immediately, and also change it anywhere else you have the same password set. The scammer will try to log into your email with it when he loses access.
2. De-authorize all other devices here: https://store.steampowered.com/twofactor/manage
3. Revoke any API keys set. Their only use, if you don't know what it is, is keeping control of your account. https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
4. If this still doesn't resolve the issue, contact Steam Support at https://help.steampowered.com/

You should also report his account as stolen to steam. If he gets banned steam support can help him recover if he hasn’t been able to himself.

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1 hour ago, D.Alex said:


Well before doing all the steps above they should probably start at Steam page "Recovering a Lost or Forgotten Steam Account", no?

Thats found in step 4 (since they can’t do step 1-3 fully)

My account > My account is stolen > Change password

If their email/phone number etc were all changes aswell, which means they can’t change password that way, then try and send a support ticket

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I might be wrong here but it looks like if they start with my link

they should be able to restore the access to the account just by themselves (in most cases)

while you're suggesting to always contact Steam support and wait.


On a related note, I found this other article What is Account Phishing

and it's kind of sad that they still don't even mention the extremely effective scam
with a fake popup page where a fake address bar looks exactly like they say it should 😟

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