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I am not sure what to say. Either that bot is not a bot (there is always a link that traces back to the original owner) or that bot be like scamming you cus why not. I will let someone more experienced with trading bots help you with this.


Edit: The bot denied your trade cus there is no items on your side, they are programmed to do that, as of why the bot accepts the 27 ref is probably because of bad code, however, there is no link to the bot owner, so I can't help you with that. 


Edit #2: No idea how u missed 20 ref tbh, but yea, no way to help you unless you somehow track down the bot owner, you can't really do much other than learning from your mistakes.

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18 minutes ago, Bob the Unsymmetrical said:

I am not sure what to say. Either that bot is not a bot (there is always a link that traces back to the original owner) or that bot be like scamming you cus why not. I will let someone more experienced with trading bots help you with this.

This is not true.

Bots are not required to list their owner, you might just be used to this because bot.tf bots always have this.


@asterixvss The bot declines your other trade because all the bot sees is that its giving items away for nothing, and it wont do that.

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Here on backpack.tf it says that the bot follow @backpacktf on twitter. If only I could get his name so I can speak with him...

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