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"Line Cutting" on Classifieds

Riva Bechtol

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I noticed that I got a 1 day ban for "Line Cutting" and I wasn't trying to do anything incorrect. I listed a Buy price for a Professional Killstreak Minigun kit with a note that I was only looking for Villainous Violet with Fire horns, (as that is the only combo I was interested in).  Am I not allowed to ask for specific kits in my Buy order?  I'm very confused and I don't see why that was bad.  Could anyone explain it to me?  Thank you very much for your time, much appreciated!

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there isn't a legal way to buy special property items


if you want a proks mini you can only list what you'd pay for ANY proks mini

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when setting up a buy order, there should be an option that allows you to specify the pro ks combo. You should use that next tim

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8 minutes ago, Keks said:

when setting up a buy order, there should be an option that allows you to specify the pro ks combo. You should use that next tim

there is 

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Thank you very much for the responses. However, I had tried to select the Villainous Violet with Fire horns under the Professional Killstreak Minigun kit item section, and after I made the selection,  it changed the Buy order to just a "Killstreak kit", no longer reflecting that it was for a Minigun kit at all, plus it gave me no way to denote that it was for a Minigun as a selection after I choose the killstreaker combo.  So it would seem I cannot select it that way. Unless there is something I don't understand.

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You are allowed to, as long as you modify your buy order using the pencil icon

Yeah for some reason it changes it back to a regular "Kit", thats a weird bug.

https://backpack.tf/classifieds/buy/Unique/Professional Killstreak Kit/Tradable/Non-Craftable/3-202 


You could instead for now do it like so


And list the price you'll pay for that specific effect combination in the listing comment

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