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How bots rule the prices?

SIR doge

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What make the bots change price? I often see bots dominating the price of the items for exemple in some week ago the bots are buying/selling hong kong cone for 8.33/8.22 but suddenly the bots are now buying and selling for arround 9-10 ref, this also happens with other items too. Why they change the price? how can i predict the next price change?

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bots typically have a threshold, not a set point


 bot a is set to buy item 1 up to price 1

 bot b is set to buy item 1 up to price 2


what happens when you see a big move is either bot increases its threshold or a real person buyer/seller goes over and the bots react


so in your example lets say bot A is set to buy the cones up to 10 ref, but bot b is set to buy up to 8 ref

well bot A is a little bitch and cuts over bot b by .11 persistently, perhaps starting at 7.11, or 7.55 or wherever; eventually bot b is programmatically limited to 8, so it sits at 8, but bot A is at 8.11


if a human buyer throws up 8.22, bot A will immediately (like less than 1 minute) put for 8.33


so eventually either a human buyer or a bot other than bot A decides they want some of that juicy juicy penny metal margin and they go big; maybe they go 9

bot A is still a little bitch so it goes 9.11


maybe its bitch B's turn to shill some scraps so the limit order gets adjusted to 11, in this case bot A and B have a catfight going up .11 at a time until one bot's limit gets exceeded (in my example that'd be 10.11 with A sitting at 10)


its fairly simple and you can see why the price seems to run, its all about thresholds and who makes the scraps (this example is 2 bots and one human buyer, a popular item is going to have many more people/bots on the orders with the same general behavior)


if you aren't the highest order you don't make the scrap

if you aren't a bot there is an absurdly low chance of ever holding a buy order <1 key long enough to buy what you want and make the metal yourself






I'd like to point out that one of the key issues here, and something the site could do to somewhat resolve the silly bullshit, is the granularity of currency. .11 is the smallest metal denomination and at the time the classifieds were drawn up it made a lot of sense to use it. A ref would've had an approximate cash value in excess of 50 cents (2.33 keys held for a long time...) making .11 more than a nickel (at 2.33 it'd be almost a dime).


Currently a ref is literally .04 USD making .11 equivalent to something like .45 cents which is a number so small it isn't a real world currency denomination (least not since the mid 1800s in the US...).

At this point to limit the cutting behavior to how it  was you'd have to install a grid of quite a few ref. I don't know if that is the answer but on items worth more than a few ref its rather asinine that you're allowed to get top order by .11 (its a numerically inconsequential value and even percentage of transaction wise, its basically a rounding error).





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I have seen much higher jumps recently, binoculus is selling for 32.44 a day ago and now bots are at 1.4 keyish...Saw it happen elsewhere as well. Bots are creating profit margins of upto 30% in average for several items. jeez the market manipulation is real

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Bots don’t change price, they adapt to offer and demand. If someone is buying all the BMOCs for instance then the offer is gone and price will go up. 

When no transaction is being done, the buyers and sellers slowly bridge the gap until either side eventually becomes a good opportunity to buy or sell at. 

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its all because of auto pricing, it causes prices to be "stuck" too high or too low for a long time. Once real demand starts catching up there is suddenly either a massive shortage or a massive oversupply and that causes the abrupt price changes.


Basically the prices wont change until there isnt a single bot left to buy, or there isnt a single bot with the item in stock. So you can check if they are under or overstocked to see if the price is about to change

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