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Why does it take so long to sell something?


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your key is above bot prices but anyways, why would you even try selling it? even if you had your listing under bot sellers, I would just buy it from a bot, who would buy a key from "not a bot"?


if you had like 50 keys several scrap below other sell orders, then yes it would sell fast otherwise it won't sell, so just sell it to a bot

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1 hour ago, gibbs said:

Just sell it off at scrap.tf, you'll even get a couple scrap more than you're asking for


I doesnt work i tried selling. It just says trade error. 

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14 hours ago, Smasher said:

Im trying to sell mann co supply crate key for a whole day and no one is buying. I saw people are saying that it doesnt take long to sell.



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