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glitched minigun


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I own one of these XD. Good luck. No one seems to notice or care on SCM or BP. They see that bible.tf says spec and just act ignorant.


https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Strange Specialized Killstreak Rust Botkiller Minigun Mk.I mine is the $50 one. Been trying to sell it for over a year at this point, not that actively though. Just try to get the strange proks price for it is your best bet.


Bots will evaluate it as specks everytime just because of the item id's, you'll probably have to sell it to a human.

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thanks man, but is it not backpack.tf, and should the person who traded it be forced to trade back as sold in pretence of professional


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4 hours ago, do1itt1e said:

here is strange professional minigun showing up as specialized minigun, how i sell this damn thing? https://imgur.com/a/PlnH0GF



Those are pretty hard to come by, some people would probably be interested in such an oddity, they come from a mvm glitch from when kits and robo parts first started dropping if i remember correctly, someone might have to correct me on that, but there is a market albeit very small for glitched ks weapons, i know toxins and gibson have a few themselves.

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14 hours ago, Mrs TS said:

You mean the Scottish handshake?   I know of a super rare one.

But of course, it is only the best weapon in the game. I know of a similar one to op's but it's backwards, no ks sheen on a spec ks handshake. Met the dude in mvm and said he'd sell it for a sparkle luger :(

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