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Howdy all! New TraderーPrice Question!


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Hello! I haven't touched TF2 in yeaaaars, and just an hour ago, I unboxed two unusuals!


I was hoping someone could help me with the price of one of them, as, unfortunately, there isn't a price yet!


It's a: Strange Unusual Convict Cap [Green Confetti]


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! I'd like to sell this and keep trying for more unusualsーsorta starting this hobby to help afford some necessities, so any bit of advice or knowledge helps! Thank you!

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You are probably gonna get a bunch of invites by people on steam.


I suggest ignoring them, since quite a few scammers and sharkers will try to take advantage of your lack of trading experience.


Additionally, watch out for fake festive weapons and crafted/uncraft item scam offers, or anything else that seems off.


You should join the backpack.tf discord if you want to ask any advice on trading.


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12 minutes ago, Philip said:

You are probably gonna get a bunch of invites by people on steam.


I suggest ignoring them, since quite a few scammers and sharkers will try to take advantage of your lack of trading experience.


Additionally, watch out for fake festive weapons and crafted/uncraft item scam offers, or anything else that seems off.


You should join the backpack.tf discord if you want to ask any advice on trading.


Thanks a ton for the info! I'm definitely gonna join the Discord right away.


I used to dabble in very small trades, but this is totally new to meーmeans a lot!

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9-10 keys sounds about right. I'm a collector of the effect and I only paid about 8 for the non-strange variant.


Unfortunately, I'm not interested in a 2nd one, but if you want to trade your strange one for my normal one + 2 keys (or the equivalent from my trade fodder pages (pages 3-14)), shoot me a trade offer when yours becomes tradeable.

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