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Don't You Just Love it when you get a negative trust rating for not accepting a trade offer-


here's some backstory, I listed three keys on backpack for 45 ref a piece, preferably items, so, i got three offers in the next 10 minutes or so, two were for 45 ref, as ordered, and the other one was interesting, they offered a victory lap for three keys, which i saw, so i promptly declined the other ones and then accepted it, nothing wrong here, got a non pure offer and accepted it?- right?


well this guy proceeded my adding me and calling me slurs and spamming my profile calling me a filthy "FDP" (F2P) for not accepting his offer, he then proceeded to give me a minus rep, which has annoyed me to no end, of course, I tried to explain to him that i could give him a key for that price once i got another, and then  he blocked me, spammed my profile (Once again)



Thanks for reading


PS, How Long Does It Take for bp admins to respond to reports

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wait so you listed 3 keys which each of them you wanted 45 refs as listed on the listing,correct? you then received the 45 ref pure for the keys and another offer of your 3 keys for a victory lap taunt,right? You then took the taunt offer for 3 keys and declined the 45 ref pure trade...if this is true,you pretty much just called yourself out because you broke bp.tf's TOS. If you receive an offer PURE for the item you listed, you MUST ACCEPT THAT OFFER. If you don't, you will receive a warning/temp ban

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10 minutes ago, Diamond jozu said:

wait so you listed 3 keys which each of them you wanted 45 refs as listed on the listing,correct? you then received the 45 ref pure for the keys and another offer of your 3 keys for a victory lap taunt,right? You then took the taunt offer for 3 keys and declined the 45 ref pure trade...if this is true,you pretty much just called yourself out because you broke bp.tf's TOS. If you receive an offer PURE for the item you listed, you MUST ACCEPT THAT OFFER. If you don't, you will receive a warning/temp ban

ims till entitled to accept whatever offers i get, especially if in the listing i say items only, backpack has no rights to my steam inventory, only to thier service

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Contrary to the first response up there, I don't think BP rules mandate you to find out which offer was exactly first or to prefer pure offer to item offer.

So you could've just accepted the item offer and Steam would cancel two other trades automatically. Yeah, just report that -trust and wait.


1 minute ago, Logan said:

especially if in the listing i say items only

As far as I know, this part is indeed against the rules.

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6 minutes ago, D.Alex said:



As far as I know, this part is indeed against the rules.

it is>? In The TOS it says you can request Item overpay, but I still think i have the right to my items, especially if the person acts extremely rude and violent,

not to mention it says i cannot refuse to accept payment in pure, but I can also have item overpay, I believe it comes down to my preference

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46 minutes ago, Diamond jozu said:

wait so you listed 3 keys which each of them you wanted 45 refs as listed on the listing,correct? you then received the 45 ref pure for the keys and another offer of your 3 keys for a victory lap taunt,right? You then took the taunt offer for 3 keys and declined the 45 ref pure trade...if this is true,you pretty much just called yourself out because you broke bp.tf's TOS. If you receive an offer PURE for the item you listed, you MUST ACCEPT THAT OFFER. If you don't, you will receive a warning/temp ban


jozu, you manage to be in this community for years yet still have no clue what you're saying


you don't have to accept offers, only until a pattern of offers is declined that bans are issued. you are in no way obligated to accept a mistake. 

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Honestly if you have no more business with someone and they come at you rudely you're better off blocking immediately without arguing any further if they're still rude despite having received an explanation, it saves time and bad emotions (as AWoolenSleevelet says, "do not fret hoho hehe")


a -rep you can just report it bp mods and they'll handle it




Btw are you sure he didn't call you something way more insulting than f2p when he said fdp?

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24 minutes ago, j58 said:


jozu, you manage to be in this community for years yet still have no clue what you're saying


you don't have to accept offers, only until a pattern of offers is declined that bans are issued. you are in no way obligated to accept a mistake. 

he said he received offer in pure on what he listed but declined it.isnt that against the rules?

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4 hours ago, Diamond jozu said:

he said he received offer in pure on what he listed but declined it.isnt that against the rules?


It would be if he had kept the keys. In this situation, however, he just took a different offer, which is perfectly fine. After all, if you had an item up for 8 keys and one person offers the 8 keys, but another offers an Australium Rocket Launcher, you're not obligated to take the keys.


Where his problem stems from is expecting other traders to be decent human beings, so his "Sorry, but I'm taking a different offer." was met with a "Fuck you!" instead of a "Darn, maybe next time. Catch ya later.".


In any case, in the future, I'd suggest just accepting the offer you like and not declining the others. The system then auto cancels the trade saying that the items are no longer available. This does let the person know that either they were too late or you took another offer. When you just decline the trade, to the other person it winds up looking like you're queue-cutting (purposefully listing an order at a price you aren't going to accept just to make the listing visible), which is a reportable offense.

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