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Be careful of Australian vs Australium item offer scams


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EDIT: Australian not Australium. Woops.


I honestly haven't been following all these scams. I've heard about a whole variety of trade offer scams and I've been skeptical and assumed the problem is with the person accepting the trade offer. But I just lost a strange pan myself. 




Here is me accepting a gold fj for a strange pan - yeah, too good to be true. And when I was accepting the trade, I also got a message that he scammed others, so I thought something might be going on. Anyways, I figured it was only a strange pan, so I didn't really check too carefully, but I did take screenies shown here.


Sure enough, I never got a gold fj. I got a regular one




Be wary of trade offers. I've heard a lot of fishy things going on with them. I've had someone add me showing a trade offer he accepted where he gave 2 buds worth of the stuff whereas the other person gave nothing. He obviously declined but somehow the trade offer was accepted. He showed me screenies that it happened and sent a report to steam support. If it can glitch on regular items, I'm sure it can glitch on higher tier stuff - unusual qualities, effects, etc. I'll have to screen all trade offers now.

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It isn't Australian btw, it's Australium, it only said Australian due to the kills.



Valve should really give Australium its own quality like unusual/strange. 

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Australiums are now Gold when in trade. Australian means that the strange has achieved a certain number of kills and changed adjectives,

like Mildly-Menacing, Unremarkable etc.

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