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Courtroom-based situation for Alex from Security


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Defendant: Alex From Security

Lawyer: Puddingkip (or me :D)

Judge: Steam Support

Prosecutor: Unknown

The Real Culprit: The person who sent Alex the phishing link.

Bailiff: Aaron H. #11BUDS

Jury: Mixed assortment from Steam.

Witnesses: Cleverpun, another user (maybe me), Alex, and the culprit.

The Detective: Orangemars2000

Watson(?): ???


Evidence for defense: Autopsy report (tells what got stolen, how it got stolen, and when), a picture of Alex sending a phishing link to others while hijacked, the trade history giving the items to the phisher, and the time when Steam Support was alerted when the phisher logged in.


Background: Alex From Security has claimed to be hijacked in another trial but Steam Support had denied it. Now with a lawyer to back him up, Alex has another chance to convince Steam Support that he was actually hijacked and that the phisher stole his items instead of him just trading for it.

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I do hope he gets his stuff back. How could steam support deny he was hijacked? A guy like him wouldn't just give away his god tier hats and send phishing links. But, it sorta is his fault, he should be able to identify a phishing link, because I'm pretty sure he is an advanced trader.

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Ack...wanted to be baliff but by the time I logged in I'd been beat to it...gddamit

(Btw the meaning of bailiff varies greatly be region)

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I want to be the one guard that brings him into the courtoom. But seriously, twas an evil thing to do. I hoped everything gets fixed :D

I'm pretty sure that's the bailiff. Anyways, I forgot to add another role that's now open: The Detective.

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I'm not doing shit in a retarded jury based legal system *OJ*


Oh and autopsy hapens on corpses to track the reason of death, fairly uncommon in cases with no deaths;)

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Can I be part of the jury?



You're now the Detective. Anyways, I wouldn't have allowed anyone on the bp.tf forums to be on the jury because there would be biased opinions.



I'm not doing shit in a retarded jury based legal system *OJ*

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You're now the Detective. Anyways, I wouldn't have allowed anyone on the bp.tf forums to be on the jury because there would be biased opinions.




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Dtective reporting back about the hack

(that rhymed, where's my godamn watson, I deserve one)


"The hack was that an SFMer friend who I do not know how he got hacked, sent me a link to download of his pictures for SFM and he wanted me to rate them and touch them up. I did. Downloaded and they were all png files. Nothing wrong. Edited and sent back. Turns out the pngs had shit crypted to them to make antivirus think its just a picture. It was a RAT. He had access to my pc directly. So my paypal, bank, doge/bit/litecoins are gone. Currently formatting my entire hard drive and reinstalling winderps."

-Alex From Security

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I find it very unlikely Steam Support reversing all the trades under these circumstances. As the screenshot he posted says, they believe he confirmed all those trades himself, i.e. there are no indications that someone else might have been in control of his account at the time of those trades: no alternate device logins, no new IPs recorded, etc.They can only work with what they have, and if the hijacker used TeamViewer to complete the trades then there will be no trace of the hijacker on Steam's Servers.


It's also very hard for them to believe his computer was under unauthorized remote control using only his words. They could very much think it's someone trying to profit by using this as an excuse to reverse the trades, or even believe that he is the one hijacking people around (if he does send them the files used to hijack him). 


At the end our computers are our own responsibility. Companies can't refund everyone that goes through security problems on their machines, specially in a circumstance where no external access evidence is found on their end.


As for checking trades and items final destinations, Steam has the tools for looking into that but I doubt they have the manpower to deal with the dozens of cases that happen every day, spread over hundreds of accounts.

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im jury



 I wouldn't have allowed anyone on the bp.tf forums to be on the jury because there would be biased opinions.

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