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[QUESTION] Trading with marked users.


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Was wondering if I could get penalized from trading with someone who got marked on backpack.tf for trading with scammers. He wants to trade with me ad told me that I won’t get marked for trading with him as he didn’t scam anyone, he just got marked by trading with marked scammers and gamblers on backpack.tf. Is it safe to trade with him?

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You said he is banned for trading with scammers, but then you mentioned he is marked.  Is he a marked scammer?  If so, then you are not allowed to trade with them. 

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if he's only banned on bp for trading with scammers, and isn't marked as a scammer there is no risk. really depends on exactly what the ban is for. to be certain just post his profile tho

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If you talking about that guy in your friendlist with redline. Than he scammed my friend a sunbeams law (used discord chat method). If he ask for discuss on discord dont do that and dont do cash trade aswell.

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Thanks everyone who replied. I decided not to trade with this guy, he really kept pushing to do a paypal trade and denied every other option I suggested- it just seemed pretty strange to me. 

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