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Why are all-class hats undesirable?

Dazed & Confused

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I've been getting into unusual trading and have noticed multiple traders saying all-class' are undesirable. Is there any truth to this since I noticed most top tier hats are all-class, and if so, why? Surely its better to have a hat for every class

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Traders will tell you anything is 'undesirable' to get a better deal out of you, especially stuff like dupes and robos. As r0b said, since the introduction of the multi-class crate they're a bit less valuable than they used to be but 'undesirable' definitely isn't right lol

Generally the more classes you can use a hat with the more it can be worth - I mean if someone really likes a certain effect and they want it on multiple loadouts the easy solution is to get a multiclass hat, and saves them a pile of money versus buying 3+ hats of similar tier with that effect. 

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this dude explains why no one wants to pay for a first gen multiclass unusual and i also recommend you do not buy one :))))

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a) Too many of them with better/newer effects
b) Many high tier one's were from old school times when collectors bought them for way overpriced amounts and now because of a) they are dropping in price 
c) There are far better/cheaper options for unusuals. Basically no hat fits all the classes and ppl dont wanna spend 10x the amount to get an unusual they wanted for just 1 or maybe 2 classes. That and a (for example), a TF Logo hat will be bought/sold for around x but an all-class hat that is prolly less appealing with the same effect will be bought and sold for around 5x even tho u only wanted to buy one with the intention to use it for your single or "main" 

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you should wipe out the "why" in the title... - all-class hats are still an option for many users and popular as before the all-class crate, only thing that has changed is the average price, the more all-class hats on the market the less you pay, its the same as with unusuals in general

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