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Alguien podria contarme la historia de como se origino Backpack.tf me da curiosidad como fue y es interesante saber su historia. Yay




Someone could tell me the story of how Backpack.tf originated gives me curiosity as it was and it is interesting to know its history. Yay





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7 hours ago, lucaswars2013 said:

Someone could tell me the story





Story time! 


Once upon a time,


Valve decided to make TF2 items tradable.  This made every single nerd out there suddenly wanted to know exactly how valuable their 12 unique weapons were, so they could scam all the other nerds out of their 12 unique weapons and get "phat profit", and eventually be able to trade all these unique weapons for an unusual, all without asking their moms for their credit cards.


At first, there was just a spreadsheet made by some nerds, but then some bigger nerds decided to make something bigger and even worse  better to educate people, more thoroughly ruin the economy, etc.  So backpack.tf was created (by some nerds who thought they could outdo the other nerds who had created the spreadsheet, of course).


Then an army of bots run by some turbo-nerds took over and everyone got really salty.  Or maybe they were really salty all along, I forget.


Then geel bought the whole dang site and just lurks around, laughing at the mods abusing their power and looking for people to perma-ban from the entire trading scene.


The end.

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5 minutes ago, 3.50 said:


¡Tiempo de cuentos! 


Había una vez,


Valve decidió hacer artículos TF2 comerciables. Esto hizo que todos los nerd que se encontraban allí de repente quisieran saber exactamente cuán valiosas eran sus 12 armas únicas, para poder estafar a todos los demás nerds de sus 12 armas únicas y obtener "beneficios extraordinarios", y finalmente ser capaces de intercambiar todas estas cosas únicas. Armas para un inusual, todo sin pedirles a sus mamás sus tarjetas de crédito.


Al principio, solo había una hoja de cálculo hecha por algunos nerds, pero luego algunos nerds más grandes decidieron hacer algo más grande e incluso peor  para educar a la gente, arruinar la economía, etc. Así que backpack.tf fue creado (por algunos nerds que pensé que podrían superar a los otros nerds que habían creado la hoja de cálculo, por supuesto).


Luego un ejército de bots dirigido por algunos turbo-nerds se hizo cargo y todos se pusieron realmente salados. O tal vez fueron realmente salados todo el tiempo, me olvido.


Luego, Geel compró todo el sitio web y simplemente se esconde alrededor, riéndose de los mods que abusan de su poder y buscan a la gente a prohibirse de toda la escena comercial.


El fin.

It is an interesting story and thank you very much I was very curious to know the story because. since I invited a friend to meet her and knew the prices of weapons so they did not cheat me was fantastic and always from there I wanted to know the history of such amazing and great page that always has its prices up to date for sale to people who looks for it In search of prices to know if a Grinch does not want to cheat / cheat etc etc. are in santa claus of these holidays is the truth.

                    Thank you very much for always being there for us
                         Backpack.tf Thank you for the good information Mr.Santa-engineer Have a great happy Christmas and New Year for all of us who are still here on earth.

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