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BF4 or COD Ghost?

Lewis The Key

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Which game do you think is better? It is BF4 for me but tell me what you guys think. I might be crazy one day and buy COD Ghost NUUUUUUUUU.But I might be feeling like a boss one day and buy BF4 YEEEESSSS!

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Call of duty ghosts is a call of duty game, its just the same thing with the same mechanics, but BF4 has a lot of glitches atm so I don't advise getting any until there is a cheap deal IMHO 

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Is neither an option? BF4 had a shitty launch but is starting to get better. COD is COD...nothing changes so I guess they're about the same.

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ghosts is crap. 


The last time i ran it, it was incredibly glitchy, demanding (60fps in blops2 to 30fps in ghosts), and just generally ran like crap. 


And, the maps are too large and open considering the fact that there are only twelve players, twelve players who refuse to interact. 

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Ghosts : lolno

BF4: yes but lube your asshole prior to purchase so that EA and the bugs in the game can lodge themselves firmly inplace to preparation of butthurt.

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I own both of these game for different reasons. The only reason I ever got COD Ghosts, is because there/their/they're is a co-op mode. Literally the only reason. As for BF4 I got this game because BattleField in my own opinion has the best multiplayer of any Modern shooter (that means that FPS games that take place before the Vietnam war such as COD World At war or after the technology gets to be a good amount ahead of our current technology in game EX. Halo (my favorite game of all time). Another thing is, maybe I just don't notice these things as well as other people, but I don't see how BF4 has as many bugs and glitches as people say. Maybe it's because most people here use a PC while I use my Xbox 360 but all the glitches and/or bugs I've experienced have been minor and very easily overlooked in my opinion. But you should totally get BF4 if you get one of the two. BF4 is awesome. 

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I own both of these game for different reasons. The only reason I ever got COD Ghosts, is because there/their/they're is a co-op mode. Literally the only reason. As for BF4 I got this game because BattleField in my own opinion has the best multiplayer of any Modern shooter (that means that FPS games that take place before the Vietnam war such as COD World At war or after the technology gets to be a good amount ahead of our current technology in game EX. Halo (my favorite game of all time). Another thing is, maybe I just don't notice these things as well as other people, but I don't see how BF4 has as many bugs and glitches as people say. Maybe it's because most people here use a PC while I use my Xbox 360 but all the glitches and/or bugs I've experienced have been minor and very easily overlooked in my opinion. But you should totally get BF4 if you get one of the two. BF4 is awesome. 

u wot m8? 

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Nothing has gotten better in the COD Ghosts, so don't buy that.


BF 4 is still amazing,  but while there are some bugs to be fixed, it still is overall a great game. The non-spawning glitch couldn't be fixed for some by just updating punkbuster files. The one hit kill glitch is actually somewhat rare mostly because (IMO) players don't get headshots often at close ranges. Especially if you play conquest, that glitch is rare to happen. As you read this reply, I'm pretty sure DICE is working to fix those bugs right now.


I'll see you on BF 4.

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Ghosts is honestly terrible. Not even fun and super easy, even on the hardest difficulty

Its not fun because its designed with the BF4 player base in mind. 


Ghosts has very large open maps, which is perfectly fine (and really good) when you have players who cooperate. But, twelve players all running off by themselves doesn't work. I spent more than half of every match just trying to find someone...

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Ghosts is fun. It's mindless, stupid, repetitive and frustrating. But it's fun. BF4 is a serious game. Ghosts isn't. 


But I wouldn't buy either (and I didn't). 

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I played 1000's of hours in bf3, and I really hoped bf4 would be better, and the glitches would be fixed...


I was disappointed, EA forced DICE to release an unfinished game, and its crap.





Ghosts? Ghosts is just the same COD game they release every year, how the hell do people keep buying that crap?

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I have both and they have their cons


COD Ghosts is like any other, medium graphics, worst community in the world(a guy actully said i had downs syndrom, and had no right to life), and would like to be thenultimate game, but just isen't


BF4 is buggy, is almost like BF3(somebody is gonna get mad now)


I would neither, if you have BF3, play that, if not, wait until bugs in BF4 gets fixed, or to GTA V comes for pc

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