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Is this breaking the rules?

Dazed & Confused

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So I am currently trying to buy a painted hat for tf2,  I want to pay extra for painted items but not for the regular items. Is it breaking the rules to put "buy for [amount]" and then say in the description only buying painted items or is that against the rules.


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Yes that is against the rules. You can buy unpainted and offer to buy lime painted for more, but you have to accept unpainted as well.

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U should put a buy order 1 scrap less then buyers but saying u pay more for painted items so u will win a scrap in case of lel

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the thing is you can't make a buy listing specifically for a painted version of an item, you can only make a buy listing for the generic (unmodified) version of the item.  so if you don't accept offers of people trying to sell you the generic (unmodified) version of the item, the listing is sorta false advertising

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