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2 Unusuals, 2 days, Same hat, Same Level?

Wooden House

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My friend Updog, http://steamcommunity.com/id/iUpdog Unboxed 2 unusuals, in 2 days, they were the same hat, with the same level, but one was steaming and the other one was Nuts and bolts. What are the chances of him getting the SAME TWO HATS with the SAME LEVELS in 2 days. You can check the history on both of the hats, he is the first owner. Has this happened to anyone else?

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chances are very low for any 1 person but for entire tf2 community it actually becomes quite likely to occur on occasion.

I was there when he unboxed each one, One of them isnt even tradable until the 31st, that's the one he just unboxed the other day.

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This happened to quite a few people did it not? I recall a few trades in the past where this has happened

I seen a guy on outpost that unboxed 2 consecutive nuts and bolts waxy wayfinders. It happened on pink tacos server, pink taco was talking about it as well.

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I seen a guy on outpost that unboxed 2 consecutive nuts and bolts waxy wayfinders. It happened on pink tacos server, pink taco was talking about it as well.

There was the waxys, the electric escorter and some others too same levels, same effect as well.


If i remember correctly someone explained it as valve's way of "randomising" unusual unboxing which can cause this

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Well, there are currently 258 different hats in unusual quality.

Of those 12 are no longer unboxable

so 246 available. The levels are random 1-100, so twice the same level is 1/100 chance

So, 1/246 * 1/100 = 4,0650406504065040650406504065041e-5

This all is disregarding the fact that drops are NOT truly equal among all hats (shaman)

But unboxing a specific hat with a specific level twice in a row, say a data mining light lvl 30 = 1/126*1/246*1/100*1/100 = 1,6524555489457333597726221164651e-9. If you also need a specific effect, the chances will be even slimmer

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Well, there are currently 258 different hats in unusual quality.

Of those 12 are no longer unboxable

so 246 available. The levels are random 1-100, so twice the same level is 1/100 chance

So, 1/246 * 1/100 = 4,0650406504065040650406504065041e-5

This all is disregarding the fact that drops are NOT truly equal among all hats (shaman)

But unboxing a specific hat with a specific level twice in a row, say a data mining light lvl 30 = 1/126*1/246*1/100*1/100 = 1,6524555489457333597726221164651e-9. If you also need a specific effect, the chances will be even slimmer

wot, lel 

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a pair of waxys (iirc) were unboxed at the same time by the same person with the exact same level and effect a while back.

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If I recall correctly, there was a similar incident with a pair of price tavish crowns a-while back. Identical level and effect unboxed by the same person within a short amount of time.

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Valve uses a time and userid based randomization algorithm. this could easily explain unboxing the same hat/effect twice in a row. The level is likely simply another randomization algorithm (again most likely using time as a factor) which adds just around a 1/100 chance of someone that gets same hat to also get the same effect.

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Well, there are currently 258 different hats in unusual quality.

Of those 12 are no longer unboxable

so 246 available. The levels are random 1-100, so twice the same level is 1/100 chance

So, 1/246 * 1/100 = 4,0650406504065040650406504065041e-5

This all is disregarding the fact that drops are NOT truly equal among all hats (shaman)

But unboxing a specific hat with a specific level twice in a row, say a data mining light lvl 30 = 1/126 1/246*1/246*1/100*1/100 = 1,6524555489457333597726221164651e-9. If you also need a specific effect, the chances will be even slimmer

So a 1 in 605,160,000 chance. Gotcha.
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Some hats never get unique level's little buddy for example is always level 10, i was very disappointed that it did't have unique level.

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