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Is this account safe to trade with?


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Atm he isnt banned anywhere nor has a steamrep history report so i think its fine tho he is suspicious as hell.only 100 +hours.alr owns keys and some unus.4 friends.1 group.level 1.


You can trade due to no bans but we will try and assist here by doing more research.maybe one of the mods will tell you to not trade.he also joined steam less than a month ago.99% is a scammer alt


Textbook obvious scammer alt. 2 week old account, 21 hours in tf2, no other games, steam level 1, items in bp came from scammers, etc. I banned them, thanks.


EDIT: Trading with them before the ban would have gotten you a ban as they meet our definition of an obvious scammer alt here - 



he is banned on backpack.tf as a scammer alt


Ok, thank you everyone! I appreciate all your responses 


I reported him yesterday or the day before on the main site when he tried to hit me up in a server.


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