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How Long Do Suggestions Take To Decide Upon?


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I've had a suggestion for the cloud 9 festiviser up for 5/6 days now and for the last 3 days it's had about 10 votes; and there's been no comments at all. I'm wondering at what stage a mod will say, okay this has had enough exposure to have been reliably voted upon and discussed. I understand of course that there's a shit ton of suggestions but I see recent unusual prices changes have been accepted in well under 24 hours. What's the deal?

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What I've seen is a dichotomy of suggestions. There are those that get accepted within the first 24 hours and those that get accepted in 5-7 days. If an unusual suggestion gets past 1 day, it gets put in no-man's land until it reaches the backlog pile.


The reality is that new effect hats, unless 1 of 1 or unless there is a ton of evidence supporting, almost always end up in the backlog. Most mods have a lot of unusual experience and can tell quickly on old effect hats whether the range sounds right or wrong. If I look at a suggestion and feel it is off, I will do some digging right away to see if the range is actually representative of the market. If I feel the range is right, I'll check out the proof, compare the suggestion to the last suggested price, and check the market for b/o's and offers and that's usually enough. For new effect hats, the reality is that sales tend to be all over the place, and their values are harder to pin down. I'd say that we want to wait for community input on these, and that's sort of true. But these are really just a pain the ass to evaluate so at least I tend to put them off.

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