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Strange Bacon Grease and Strange Frying Pan


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So, we know that Strange Bacon Grease is obtainable from Salvaged Crate #50. 


We know that applying it to a Frying Pan turns it into a Strange Pan.


My question is: will the Strange Bacon Grease become a collector's item (it probably is already) and be worth more? Or will it be the same price as the Strange Frying Pan?



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It'll be worth more of course. Same reason people are asking 2-3 keys more for a Portal Box, or a bud more for those robo sandvich boxes, or 3 more ref for anniversery boxes.

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Yup would be worth more, however I reckon it will drop as time goes on, unless #60 comes out soon.

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Yup would be worth more, however I reckon it will drop as time goes on, unless #60 comes out soon.


Considering we got 56 and 57 at the same time as 50, we'll probably get #60 by the time we pass 70.

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Strange bacon grease can become a strange pan at any time

Strange pan can never revert to bacon grease

It'll be worth a bit more, but I think the people who collect such things will get them before that happens

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Considering we got 56 and 57 at the same time as 50, we'll probably get #60 by the time we pass 70.

Very consistent Valve, very.

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The theory will be that if valve wanted to hav just a s frying pan than they would hav made that so they might be planning to hav bacon grease applied to something else in the future.  Greases price may fluctuate but be higher by far.  People will hold like the capacitor thinking more is to come.

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The theory will be that if valve wanted to hav just a s frying pan than they would hav made that so they might be planning to hav bacon grease applied to something else in the future.  Greases price may fluctuate but be higher by far.  People will hold like the capacitor thinking more is to come.

Valve update: grease can be put on stainless steel pots to get a unusual sizzling effect. Hue
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The theory will be that if valve wanted to hav just a s frying pan than they would hav made that so they might be planning to hav bacon grease applied to something else in the future.  Greases price may fluctuate but be higher by far.  People will hold like the capacitor thinking more is to come.


Pans do not drop, they are promotional items. The only way Valve could make a strange variant was through another item being applied to an existing pan, otherwise it would ruin the promotional value/quality of the item. The same should (could) happen with weapons only obtainable by crafting.

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