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$1000-$1200 streaming/gaming pc


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Hello smart pc people.


I have zero knowledge of building my own pc, so I'm looking for some help/tips to build a pc that I can use to stream/play games n stuff. My budget is 1000-1200 usd, and I don't need the best of the best, but something that can stream and run games at a nice fps (overwatch,csgo,etc). Also what monitors/microphones would you guys recommended? Im trying to get dual monitors and a nice mic like the razor seiren,blue yeti,etc. (this wont come out of the pc budget, I'm just looking to spend no more than 1200 for the pc itself.)


Any tips/ lists for a build is very much appreciated. Thanks!

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Honestly, assembling a PC is easier than... something easy. Just be sure to check that your components are all compatible.

With a budget like that, you'll probably be buying the best of the best if you build your own. If you skimp a bit on your case and cooler, you could probably put together a nice i5 6700k build.


Good Luck!

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Here's a PC part list that is good (a tiny bit overkill) that's in your price point. It has the total of $1229 but you can find these parts on ebay or any other site for cheaper than what it says. The SanDisk drive will be your boot drive and the Western Digital will be your normal drive. Feel free to change any of them with a higher capacity. The case you get doesn't matter but I put one just in case you don't know what to get.


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AMD's Ryzen 7 series is much better for gaming plus streaming for the money. Ryzen 7 1700 in particular has all the 8 cores and 16 threads of the lineup but at a lower cost than Intel's 4 core 8 thread 7700k.

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