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Smexy's newest video

Alex From Security

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guise hes write. lets not use autpost agin bcuz iz full of highballer and lowballer.


It was ok until he suggested banning people who offer below bp.tf low end.


nothing to see here, move along


inb4 bosd


and lol his hat is cancer


Is he a famous tf2 player who's mad or just some random kid who's mad?


That is economy works,if you don't like it,don't use it (also if you blame on the service and you want a bloody trophy ?).Also Sharking is not illegal is just bad seen for be a way to cheat to get more profit,but is responsibility of the people who is making the trade not for a page or a big trading community (and take a look of his channel an look the 6 first videos at you sight). 


Is he a famous tf2 player who's mad or just some random kid who's mad?


A random kid that sucks at trading and playing tf2 that's mad.


Oh no, not him again. Youtube please ban


Err mah geerrdd gaben didn't make the rule of no sharking so its ok :P


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