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[New to trading] What does "pure" refer to?


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Yes, I know, it's an unforgiveably embarassing question. But it just isn't clear to me. I keep seeing that term used everywhere and, even after searching the forums, still can't find out what the heck people are talking about. So I'm left with no choice but to ask publicly.


Does it refer to items that are not marked as gifted? Is it something involving Metal? Please help me out here, thanks.



(I fear this may be a bannable offense.....)

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Pure is when somebody is paying purely in metal/keys, no items that you have to resell. Don't worry about asking the question, everybody starts somewhere.

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Some agree Australium/max head/etc is pure some don't. Though most common used pure are scrap/reclaimed/refined/keys. ( been a while used bud in any trade as payment so can't say )

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Some agree Australium/max head/etc is pure some don't. Though most common used pure are scrap/reclaimed/refined/keys. ( been a while used bud in any trade as payment so can't say )


It really depends on the individuals involved. A lot of folks, (And in my experience, it's more often than not) consider Max's Heads and most Australium weapons pure, but only if the Aussies are regular, aka no Killstreak kits, because it muddles the price a bit. You CAN work Pro KS Aussies towards a pure value, but usually it has to be negotiated, and lots of traders don't necessarily like dealing with Pro KS weapons.

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pure is nothing but metal and keys and kinda max heads but not really. people may accept items at the same rate as pure but that does not make them pure. pure means currency items which is only metal and keys in a strict sense.

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