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Will you develop an app?

ហƑɀ  bkemker

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Hello, I am a common user of backpack.tf and sometimes, when I'm away from my computer, and my phone is being slow (as usual) I wonder what some items are priced, but I'm unable to check, due to my internet browser not working. I was wondering if an app is going to be developed? I think it would be pretty cool to be notified about price changes, and have the ability to monitor price changes of the item of your choice.\


Thanks! :D


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Even if an app is created (a simple one can be easily made by setting up an app [Options -> Save to Home Screen] to be a shortcut), you still would need a decent internet to retrieve the necessary information as a lot of information would have to be parsed from the bp.tf databases and caches to your device.

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If I recall correctly, a former backpack.tf user named Long218 created an app a few years ago though I'm fairly certain it hasn't been updated in a while.

On the other hand I don't think using an app would allow you to to bypass the internet issue as it would be just as reliant on a stable connection as the site.

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