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Iraq Suicide Bombing

Chilled Soda

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25 dead from ISIS claimed suicide bombing at a soccer game in Iraq.


Just warning, the video is distressing, and made me tear up a bit, so don't watch it if you get uneasy with violence.






Just notice the world-wide attention of the bombings in Brussels, a popular first-world country in the heart of Europe vs Iraq, a country where bombings are so common no one seems to care anymore...? Imagine how much help they could get if everyone reacted to every bombing, not just the ones that made them seem the coolest on FaceBook or the media (Yes I'm talking about the France filters).


Spread awareness, please.



Those were kids...

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Imagine how much help they could get if everyone reacted to every bombing


What do you expect? The people who can do something are aware stuff like this goes on and soldiers are trying to fight ISIS. It's just that it isn't exactly WW3 so they can't be expected to use all their resources to fight a terrorist group.


People care about Paris and the like not because people are dying but because people are dying in a situation not so different to theirs.

They are reminded that they could be the next victims, that it is a danger to them. Some random people dying in Iraq isn't really news to anyone and nobody cares because the majority of internet users don't live in a country where terrorism is expected.

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The fact that there are common bombings and not in a first world country is the reason why people are not giving it attention as much. This argument has been stated a couple of times with previous terrorist attacks in the past in first world countries.


Its obvious people care more since it happened in Europe where it was closer to them, so by that its understandable that it caused more panic. And like debra and turbo said, people are very much aware that there are bombing in countries like Iraq, thus is not something new.

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If you poop in the toilet no one cares. However, if you poop on the dinner table everyone loses their shit.



Seriously though, it is unfortunate that it has become regular enough for us to not talk about it. At this point, we kind of just want to sweep what's going on in the middle east under the rug since there isn't much we can do about it. 

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As everyone has said, suicide bombings are so regular in the Middle East that Western media outlets tend to not care about them. Not sure why this particular one has made headlines really, perhaps because the victims are children.

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As a wise man said, these bombings go unnoticed because if you shit in a toilet, nobody cares, but if you shit on the kitchen table, that's when people start to care, because you don't expect that.

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This happens pretty much daily in that region... How is it news?


If anything CNN run out of content for that hour.

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Normally I wouldn't reply to topics like this, but I just saw this thread in the front page of all places. Why?


And to most of the replies, here's my 2 cents. What constitutes "news" to you? Do you actually mean localized news tailored with an exclusively Western/American narrative? Doesn't it trivializes everything outside the West and alienate non-Western audiences, which the Western media also peddle their bias news to?


You may treat it like a footnote, but the bombing has context in the Mideast. It's the expected response ISIS took because they lost so much ground in Iraq since 2014. Much of their control of Anbar province has been chipped away since Ramadi was liberated by Iraqi security forces, and there is already ISF military buildup to the north and around Mosul (the biggest city under ISIS control). They're on the losing end at the Iraqi front, and they'll do anything to stay relevent.


The only reason CNN seems to bring up Iraq is because it has recent history with America, and would use it to shame the parties involved in the invasion and occupation of Iraq that was a factor in the evolution of ISIS. That's also why they underreport about the situation in Syria, because American involvement before and during the civil war has ranged from trivial to clasdestine. The only other topics CNN ever talks about that isn't bullshit human interest stories are the presidential election and Donald Trump. What a trashy news channel.

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The only reason CNN seems to bring up Iraq is because it has recent history with America, and would use it to shame the parties involved in the invasion and occupation of Iraq that was a factor in the evolution of ISIS. That's also why they underreport about the situation in Syria, because American involvement before and during the civil war has ranged from trivial to clasdestine. The only other topics CNN ever talks about that isn't bullshit human interest stories are the presidential election and Donald Trump. What a trashy news channel.

Pretty sure CNN reported on the Iraqi bombing because 30-some people died to ISIS in a bombing, not to shame political parties.

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Pretty sure CNN reported on the Iraqi bombing because 30-some people died to ISIS in a bombing, not to shame political parties.


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And to most of the replies, here's my 2 cents. What constitutes "news" to you? Do you actually mean localized news tailored with an exclusively Western/American narrative? Doesn't it trivializes everything outside the West and alienate non-Western audiences, which the Western media also peddle their bias news to?


No, news is noteworthy information, what is noteworthy about your weekly bombing in the middle east?

Yes the people there will care but nobody else will. It's like the news reporting on everybody worldwide who gets robbed, it's not good that it happens but who the hell cares, it's expected to happen.

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Just notice the world-wide attention of the bombings in Brussels, a popular first-world country in the heart of Europe vs Iraq,

small note: in Belgium this story was well reported



Those were kids...

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