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Is specialized killstreak kit fabricators worth it?


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I have slowly been acquiring robot parts to put into a spec. killstreak fabricator with the intent on crafting them up and selling for profit. I have been thinking about finally making the leap to buy the remaining parts and creating the kit, but I have expanded my knowledge of trading a lot since I started getting the parts and not I'm not sure if it is worth it. So, is making prof KS kits worth it? Should I sell the parts I already acquired? Or does it depend on the kit? I have spec. KS tide turner and loose canon fabricators, if you need to know.

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Not very educated about them myself but, I'd say Spec. Kits aren't worth the effort if you want make good profit.

Both of your Kits start at 1.50-2 bucks on the market, probably the price of the items you have to put in to craf them.

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If it is the specialized killstreak kit fabricator itself, think about what you're putting into and what you get out of it. Calculate the overall cost needed to craft one and how much you could sell it for once you craft it. If the spec kit is for stock weapons, it usually sells faster and is above 2 keys usually. Most other spec kits range from 1-2 keys as well. Same with professional killstreak kit fabricators. It takes almost 2.5-3 keys to craft one professional killstreak kit (the 2 unique spec ks weps and the parts required). So if the kit doesn't sell for above 4 keys or so in that case, its best to avoid crafting it and sell it on steam market. At least thats how i've been doing it so far.

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