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Quickly Accepted Suggestions


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There's a few things that factor in when it comes to how long a suggestion is up.


Sometimes, the proof for some suggestions are pretty weak, or more sales may be needed to further determine outliers, particularly in Unusual suggestions. This is why you'll see more Unusual suggestions left up for 3-4 weeks, but simpler suggestions like Genuines or Vintages tend to get accepted fairly quickly. They're also easier to double-check for errors, too.


With your example, there were less than 30 classifieds listings for that item, and around a third of them were selling for 13 ref. That's a big amount, especially for a new item. It was clear that needed the drop.

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There's also the case of Collector's Quality Cosmetics and the chem sets that correspond with said items. Typically there aren't many in existence and few sales occur. There're also collector's who buy to keep, thus voiding the possibility of re-sale (tho the owner may resell in the future).


tl;dr small market + collecting

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There's a few things that factor in when it comes to how long a suggestion is up.


Sometimes, the proof for some suggestions are pretty weak, or more sales may be needed to further determine outliers, particularly in Unusual suggestions. This is why you'll see more Unusual suggestions left up for 3-4 weeks, but simpler suggestions like Genuines or Vintages tend to get accepted fairly quickly. They're also easier to double-check for errors, too.


With your example, there were less than 30 classifieds listings for that item, and around a third of them were selling for 13 ref. That's a big amount, especially for a new item. It was clear that needed the drop.


Yeah, I see your point on a lot of this.


But on the bp.tf homepage alone, the top active ones, Snack Attack (17 days), Strange Equilizer (17 days), Halloween Spell: Footprints (20 days), Haunted Freedom Feathers (17 days), Black Rose (17 days) - no unusuals. Not really complaining, just seems like overall, most of the suggestions now are up for a long time, even with strong proof. Weird to see one accepted so quickly.

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unusuals usually take longer but get fewer votes since not as many people can vote on them, what I've usually noticed is that items with small markets (like haunted items) usually get accepted quickly unless the comments are indecisive

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Yeah, I see your point on a lot of this.


But on the bp.tf homepage alone, the top active ones, Snack Attack (17 days), Strange Equilizer (17 days), Halloween Spell: Footprints (20 days), Haunted Freedom Feathers (17 days) - no unusuals. Not really complaining, just seems like overall, most of the suggestions now are up for a long time, even with strong proof. Weird to see one accepted so quickly.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes those sorts of suggestions don't have much proof, and they get left up to see if more proof is added / the market reflects the change :P

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Most suggestions with (in)valid 'proof' tend to have a high upvote score percentage (>60%) 

You can also find suggestions with a negative percentage being accepted (like this one)

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I wouldn't say "most" suggestions are up for 20-25 days at all. I've made ~150 suggestions in the last 2-3 weeks and all but 19 have been accepted already (and several of those were only made in the last 1-2 days) The oldest one I have sitting there is 11 days old. So... yeah. In my experience, most suggestions are accepted significantly more quickly than 20-25 days. I think your perspective is a little skewed by only looking at the suggestions that are sitting in the backlog. The admins accept a lot of suggestions every single day (I wouldn't even know how to take a guess at how many on average - 50 or more?)

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take a guess at how many on average - 50 or more?


100-250 depending on the month. It's closer to 150 at the moment. On average we leave ~5-10 per day for the backlog. So that's around 5% of suggestions that get left up for longer than a week. And the ones that get left up are almost always left up intentionally to wait for more sales.

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