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Trust removed?


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Often, trust is removed in your backpack.tf trust section because it may be a false trust rating or it has nothing to do with a risky trade / actions requiring trust e.g brokering or cash trading. If you want specifics about why and/or wish to appeal, ask a moderator.

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They should put a reason....

they really should, I got a trust removed once because it was from a marked scammer and I only knew that because the scammer himself told me

plus we get like one or two of these topics every week asking why a trust was removed, current system is way too vague

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Who: A mod or the person who gave the rating. Most likely a mod though.

Why: They were either marked as a scammer, or it didn't meet the criteria for a trust rating. Usually it's the latter.


It's really that simple, I don't see why there needs to be a reason added to it. Having to add reasons to each removed rating would just be a waste of time for the mods. Correct me if I'm wrong but they give you criteria for trust ratings in the message right? It might be helpful to add those to the Help and Support page on the main site though.

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A reason being added would be helpful in situations like these where none of the above mentioned criteria apply. Both user are in good standing, left rep about actual trades. It doesn't tell me who the mod who removed my trust or a reason. 


How do I find this out?

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A reason being added would be helpful in situations like these where none of the above mentioned criteria apply. Both user are in good standing, left rep about actual trades. It doesn't tell me who the mod who removed my trust or a reason. 


How do I find this out?

Which mod doesn't matter, any mod would have removed it if it didn't meet the criteria. The trust rating must have some evidence that the situation or trade involved was risky in some way. It obviously didn't meet that requirement. You could file a report in the bug/appeal section, you might get a reason, but I'd be very surprised it wasn't what I have already stated and even more surprised if it was incorrectly removed.

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Why quote what I said with out reading it? 

I'll assume you read my reply, so what is unclear? I thought it was very clear.


1. It's highly unlikely you'll find out the mod that removed it, and it's completely irrelevant.

2. When the trust is removed, you are given a few reason it could be unless this has changed since I last saw it, which I find unlikely. From what I've seen probably 90% of invalid ratings are ones that don't involve risky trades. 

3. If the trust was removed it was most likely invalid. Plain and simple. You may have made a trade that does meet the criteria, but if it isn't specified in the rating it isn't valid.

4. You can make a report in the section specified. I'll even link you to it. http://backpack.tf/issue

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  • 4 weeks later...
IMHO, trust rating ... is kinda B###S###
Criteria ? Isn't it too big word to be used ?
Intended to be strictly business. A regular customer (in practice) would actually add, etc and "friended", which won't make trust rating left by them strictly business. And what kind of casual buyer/seller would have lots of time to leave a flowery positive trust on anyone they barely knew? 

I have just got my last 2 removed. So, in total ... I have all removed, while i appealed for the negative ones, the mods clean the positives voluntarily. One of the last two was from "F.B.I" guy who got lots of big account in bp.tf , some are from very kind customers who spent time clicking the B###S### system long time ago.

I haven't got any new trust for the past 1.5 year.

On how to leave a trust rating, A premium user commented here: http://forums.backpack.tf/index.php?/topic/43074-how-to-trust-somebody-on-backpacktf/?view=findpost&p=456783&hl=%2Btrust+%2Brating to leave a proof (in the form of screenshot/s) 

>>> What ??? Is there a way to attach screenshot/s at the trust form? If there is none, this misleading comment should be erased by the mod

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