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[Help] Unusual Weapon (Medigun) Pricing

△Nerf whatever killed me▽

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Hello, I need help pricing a recently unboxed Mercenary Grade Medi Gun (Field-Tested) ★ Unusual Effect: Isotope.


Thanks! :)


(If you would like to make an offer, let me know)


EDIT: Thank you all for the suggestions, I recently sold it for 55 keys.

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40 keys

Ok, so that's about $100 USD. I've seen them selling on the market for $160+. Do you have any sales/records backing up the price you set?

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Ok, so that's about $100 USD. I've seen them selling on the market for $160+. Do you have any sales/records backing up the price you set?


Oh no thats an offer

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For a non-strange?  Take the 40 keys and run.  Just because they're listed on the market for $160+ doesn't mean they're actually selling for that much.  Also 40 keys is equivalent to $75ish US (use the SourceOP key prices, not the SCM, TF2 Shop or TF2 Marketplace key prices).


Here's an example.  Well worn (worse quality) but commando grade (rarer), same effect.  Only one is currently listed for $200 US (~108 keys), but if you check the past sale prices, one went for $130 US (~68 keys) and the one before that sold for $92 (~48 keys).  So "current asking price" is not a good indicator of actual value or demand.


FWIW, I have three strange unusual weapons (all field tested, 1x energy orb medigun, 1x isotope flamethrower, 1x isotope mingun) and paid only 80 keys equivalent for the most expensive.


There's not a lot of demand for the non-strange ones.  Even with the strange versions, there's not as much demand as you'd think.  Mostly sellers asking far more than they probably should be.  For my most expensive one, I took a couple of days to consider it before taking the seller's b/o and nobody else had bothered to offer in that time.


Or you could take a chance, wait for the end of the event, and then try to sell it while hoping the demand and prices go up once they can't be unboxed anymore.

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For a non-strange?  Take the 40 keys and run.  Just because they're listed on the market for $160+ doesn't mean they're actually selling for that much.  Also 40 keys is equivalent to $75ish US (use the SourceOP key prices, not the SCM, TF2 Shop or TF2 Marketplace key prices).


Here's an example.  Well worn (worse quality) but commando grade (rarer), same effect.  Only one is currently listed for $200 US (~108 keys), but if you check the past sale prices, one went for $130 US (~68 keys) and the one before that sold for $92 (~48 keys).  So "current asking price" is not a good indicator of actual value or demand.


FWIW, I have three strange unusual weapons (all field tested, 1x energy orb medigun, 1x isotope flamethrower, 1x isotope mingun) and paid only 80 keys equivalent for the most expensive.


There's not a lot of demand for the non-strange ones.  Even with the strange versions, there's not as much demand as you'd think.  Mostly sellers asking far more than they probably should be.  For my most expensive one, I took a couple of days to consider it before taking the seller's b/o and nobody else had bothered to offer in that time.


Or you could take a chance, wait for the end of the event, and then try to sell it while hoping the demand and prices go up once they can't be unboxed anymore.


Overprice is real, someone was selling a FN Hot Current Event for a b/o of 700 keys.... he called a 150 key offer "lowball" xD

Noone is stupid enough to buy at hyped prices, strange unusual weapons with a good factory will sell for fuckloads, but not non stranges

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